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Hi, I am Kaiwalya! Great to see you here! 👋

I am Kaiwalya Koparkar, Currently I am working as Program manager at WeMakeDevs, Project Maintainer at EddieHubCommunity, GCE 🚩, and MLH Coach. I am a Full Stack Developer with experience building open source projects. I am a tech enthusiast & an open-source advocate. I am always open to collaborating on projects and innovative/disruptive ideas. Find out more about me & feel free to connect with me here:

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Kaiwalya's github activity graph

âš¡ Technologies

Language :

Java Python C++ JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 TypeScript MySQL

Libraries & Framework :

React Bootstrap Nodejs MongoDB Redis ElasticSearch GraphQL Apollo GraphQL PostgreSQL Keras Material Design NumPy Pandas

DevOps & Cloud Tools:

GitHub Pages Heroku DigitalOcean Amazon AWS Microsoft Azure Google Cloud Docker Git Postman Vercel

💰 Support

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com Support Kaiwalya on buymecoffee

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