

  • A platform for vehicle registration, DL registration and also for managing the violated traffic rules.
  • It also provides the facility for the traffic authority to easily update the violations committed and the penalty amount to be paid.
  • The users can also know the violation and the penalty amount to be paid by them which reduces the human work.
  • The website contains a login page for user and admin which redirects to different pages.
  • The User login leads to a page where they can get all the information about their vehicles and also penalty amount if to be paid.
  • The Admin login has the options for the following:
    • New Driving Licence registration
    • New Vehicle registration
    • Lodging complaints against violation of traffic rules
    • Search Vehicles (in Database)
    • Search DL (in Database)

Installation process:

  1. Before starting, make sure python 3 and pip is installed in your system.

  2. Install Virtual Environment wrapper using the command > pip install virtualenvwrapper-win

  3. To create a environment, Use the command > mkvirtualenv <enivronment_name>

  4. Install Django using the command > pip install Django

  5. Clone/download the TrafficViolationProject to the directory where the environment is created.

  6. Open the project folder in VSCode.

  7. open the terminal and Type the command > workon <environment_name> to make sure that you have opened the project in the environment.

  8. Type the command > python runserver

  9. The above command creates a server and provides the IP address of the server. All you have to do is copy the IP address and paste it in your browser. The webpage will be loaded.

Database dump files are included in the project.