
A curated list of Android libraries that can be used to ace up the development.

MIT LicenseMIT

Android Awesome Libraries

A curated list of Android libraries that can be used to ace up the development. This repo contains a list of libraries for android native developement using Java/Kotlin.

A LOT IS COMING UP EVERY DAY HERE!!! ⭐️ if you like it. Happy Coding 👨🏻‍💻

We're going to add a lot of awesome libraries to this repo very soon. In case we might've missed anything, feel free to create a new issue and add that library link to it and we will review it and add that ASAP. Also If you wish to send us some liraries, feel free to send a PR.

Highly inspired from awesome-android-ui

UI/UX Libraries:

Animation Button Calendar
Graph/Chart Custom Layouts Material
Navigation Menu OTP/PIN/Passcode Progess Loaders
Showcase Overlay Media Picker Action Bar/Toolbar

Helper Libraries:

Image Loaders Audio Video Players Networking
Database/ORM Runtime Permissions DebuggingTools
Logger Libs Camera