
Automatically update your Spotify playlist with favorite tracks of your favorite artists and genres

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Automatically update your Spotify playlists with tracks of your favorite artists and genres using this Python script powered by the Spotify Web API and GitHub Actions.


Update My Spotify Playlist is a Python tool that streamlines your Spotify playlist management by adding your favourite tracks from your favorite artists to your playlist in real-time.


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone your repo in local
  3. copy .env-template into .env
  4. Install all Python requirements in requirements.txt
  5. Go to the Spotify Developer Dashboard and log in with your Spotify account.
  6. Click on the "Create an App" button and fill out the necessary information, such as the name and description of your application. Use http://localhost:5000 as redirect URL
  7. Once you've created the app, you'll be taken to the app dashboard. Here, you'll find your client ID, client secret and Redirect URL. Copy this and paste it your .env file
  8. Create new playlist in your Spotify Account and copy the playlist id from the url. Paste the playlist id in .env file.
  9. Run this Script get_refresh_token.py to get refresh token. Follow the instruction in this script. Copy the refresh token into .env file.
  10. Run this Script update.py for testing.
  11. Add all env variable CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, REDIRECT_URI, REFRESH_TOKEN in github repository secret. Checkout this link to add a new repository secret.
  12. By default it updates daily at 2:47 UTC. You can also change this by changing the cron in /.github/workflows/main.yml by using Cron Generator.

Playlist customization

Your playlists can be customized by various category.

In config.py, you can cusomize your playlists.

id is id of your playlist and category is tracks of this playlist are under this category

Currenly five catgories are available

  • TopArtist()
  • TopTracks()
  • TopMix() - It mix both TopArtist and TopTracks
  • RecentlyPlayed()
  • Mix()

If you need a playlist with particualar artists, tracks or genre, you can use Mix() In Mix you can mix upto 5 parameter like Artist, Genre and Track. Only 5 parameter are allowed

        'id': 'xxxxxxxxx'
        'category':  Mix(

sample config file, you can have multiple playlists

        'id': '2bx19B2bwgTf20XWQBxlQo',
        'category': TopMix(time_range=TimeRange.long_term, no_of_tracks_required=30)
        'id': '2bx19B2bwgTff20XWQBxlQo',
        'category': TopArtist(time_range=TimeRange.short_term, no_of_tracks_required=30)
        'id': '7sLWB2thlLWFcvuExsc77y',
        'category': Mix(
        'id': '23ljfjfwfpwjwjfwjfjfjs',
        'category': RecentlyPlayed(no_of_tracks_required=23)


Contributions are Welcome. Feel free to report bugs in issue and fix some bugs by creating pull requests. Comments, Suggestions, Improvements and Enhancements are always welcome.


Distributed under the MIT license.


If you have any questions or feedback about this project, feel free to get in touch with me via mail

Thank you;

Made with Music ❤️