
For fun, to demo how to host a WordPress site on Local by Flywheel, using Gatsby as a front end, and deploy to netlify, all for Free.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Original Repo: https://github.com/pablovila/gatsby-starter-wordpress-community/

Three cheers for Pablo!!! 👏🙌👏🙌👏🙌

Demo: https://cranky-hypatia-4fe7f5.netlify.com/

Use it now

  1. Clone and install this repo with gatsby new fun-stuff https://github.com/n8finch/wp-starter-netlify-local-by-flywheel-demo (or change fun-stuff to whatever you want).
  2. cd into it fun-stuff (or whatever you called it).
  3. In gatsby-config.js, change baseUrl to the ngrok.io URL (or whatever remote URL you want to use).
  4. Save the file and run gatsby develop
  5. Audit your site with gatsby build and gatsby serve.
  6. Push to your own github repo, create a new one here
  7. Then deploy to netlify.


This starter uses Bulma so you can edit src/style/variables.scss to customize Bulma variables. purgecss reduces size of bundled css.

Pending tasks

  • Retrieve WordPress.com posts using gatsby-source-wordpress-plugin
  • Bulma styles
  • WordPress pages in menu
  • Tags page
  • Categories page