
Community edition nuclei templates, a simple tool that allows you to organize all the Nuclei templates offered by the community in one place

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Community edition nuclei templates, a simple tool that allows you to organize all the Nuclei templates offered by the community in one place.

Apache license badge


GO111MODULE=on go get -u github.com/xm1k3/cent

Or download from releases

after installation run cent init to initialize cent with the configuration files you find here

Supported commands

Command Description
init Cent init configuration file
update Update your repository
version Print cent version

Root flags

      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.cent.yaml)
  -C, --console         Print console output
  -k, --keepfolders     Keep folders (by default it only saves yaml files)
  -p, --path string     Root path to save the templates (default "cent-nuclei-templates")
  -t, --threads int     Number of threads to use when cloning repositories (default 10)

Update flags

This command helps you update your folder with templates by deleting unnecessary folders and files without having to do multiples git clones.

  -d, --directories   If true remove unnecessary folders from updated $HOME/.cent.yaml
  -f, --files         If true remove unnecessary files from updated $HOME/.cent.yaml
  -p, --path string   Path to folder with nuclei templates

Init flags

This command will automatically download .cent.yaml from repo and copy it to $HOME/.cent.yaml

  -h, --help         help for init
  -o, --overwrite    If the cent file exists overwrite it
  -u, --url string   Url from which you can download the configurations for .cent.yaml


▶ cent -h
▶ cent init -h
▶ cent update -h
▶ cent version


Clone and insert all the community templates into the cent-nuclei-templates folder

▶ cent -p cent-nuclei-templates -k


If you have updated the cent.yaml file by adding new folders

  - ...
  - dns
  - ...

just do:

▶ cent update -p cent-nuclei-templates -d

and cent will automatically delete all dns folder present in cent-nuclei-templates without cloning all the github repos.

cent update

Same thing with exclude-files

▶ cent update -p cent-nuclei-templates -f

Once cent has been configured correctly you can perform a scan with Nuclei.


▶ nuclei -u https://example.com -t ./cent-nuclei-templates -tags cve
▶ nuclei -l urls.txt -t ./cent-nuclei-templates -tags cve

See here for more documentation about Nuclei


You need to configure cent parameters in $HOME/.cent.yaml

# Directories to exclude

# Files to exclude
  - README.md
  - .gitignore
  - .pre-commit-config.yaml

# Add github urls
  - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates.git
  - https://gist.github.com/0x240x23elu
  - https://gist.github.com/ResistanceIsUseless/e46848f67706a8aa1205c9d2866bff31
  - https://github.com/0x727/ObserverWard_0x727
  - https://github.com/1in9e/my-nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/5cr1pt/templates
  - https://github.com/ARPSyndicate/kenzer-templates
  - https://github.com/AshiqurEmon/nuclei_templates.git
  - https://github.com/CharanRayudu/Custom-Nuclei-Templates
  - https://github.com/clarkvoss/Nuclei-Templates
  - https://github.com/d3sca/Nuclei_Templates
  - https://github.com/daffainfo/my-nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/esetal/nuclei-bb-templates
  - https://github.com/ethicalhackingplayground/erebus-templates
  - https://github.com/foulenzer/foulenzer-templates
  - https://github.com/geeknik/nuclei-templates-1
  - https://github.com/geeknik/the-nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/Harish4948/Nuclei-Templates
  - https://github.com/im403/nuclei-temp
  - https://github.com/javaongsan/nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/joanbono/nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/kabilan1290/templates
  - https://github.com/medbsq/ncl
  - https://github.com/meme-lord/Custom-Nuclei-Templates
  - https://github.com/MR-pentestGuy/nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/n1f2c3/mytemplates
  - https://github.com/NitinYadav00/My-Nuclei-Templates
  - https://github.com/notnotnotveg/nuclei-custom-templates
  - https://github.com/obreinx/nuceli-templates
  - https://github.com/optiv/mobile-nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/panch0r3d/nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/peanuth8r/Nuclei_Templates
  - https://github.com/pikpikcu/my-nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/pikpikcu/nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates.git
  - https://github.com/R-s0n/Custom_Vuln_Scan_Templates
  - https://github.com/rafaelcaria/Nuclei-Templates
  - https://github.com/rahulkadavil/nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/randomstr1ng/nuclei-sap-templates
  - https://github.com/redteambrasil/nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/ree4pwn/my-nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/sadnansakin/my-nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/Saimonkabir/Nuclei-Templates
  - https://github.com/Saptak9983/Nuclei-Template
  - https://github.com/securitytest3r/nuclei_templates_work
  - https://github.com/sharathkramadas/k8s-nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/shifa123/detections
  - https://github.com/smaranchand/nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/Str1am/my-nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/System00-Security/backflow
  - https://github.com/test502git/log4j-fuzz-head-poc
  - https://github.com/thebrnwal/Content-Injection-Nuclei-Script
  - https://github.com/thelabda/nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/yavolo/nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/z3bd/nuclei-templates
  - https://github.com/zinminphyo0/KozinTemplates



Cent is distributed under Apache-2.0 License