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How to run the tests?

  1. First thing, let's build the random resources that will be used by Gatling: a. Run the python script stress-test/generate_resources.py - This will create the search-terms.tsv and warriors-payloads.tsv inside the stress-test/user-files/resources folder, where Gatling looks for payload to be used with the tests.

  2. Start/build you API with docker locally.

  3. After the applications is up and running: a. (Mac/Linux) run the stress-test/run-test.sh b. (Windows) run the stress-test/run-test.ps1

  4. Terminal will start outputting information about the test

  5. Once the test are finished, you can access the Gatling report by: a. Either clicking on the url provided at the end of the test b. Going into ./stress-test/user-files/results/englabstresstest-[timestamp]/index.html

Good Luck! And may the force be with you!

Obs: ./deps is the folder containing the current Gatling version used for this tests