
Dockerized aws cli

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Just a quick Docker implementation of aws cli

Two volumes are mapped in, 1 mapped to the local folder to allow for files to transfer back and forth. The second volume mounts the creds file into the container at /root/.aws/credentials. This lets you define multiple credentials and pass the --profile command

Build it:

docker image build -t yogiawscli:1.0 .

Test it:

docker run --rm -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxx -v $(pwd):/aws -v $(pwd)/creds:/root/.aws/ yogiawscli:1.0 aws sts get-caller-identity

Make it easy to use:

alias daws='docker run --rm -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxx -v $(pwd):/aws -v $(pwd)/creds:/root/.aws/ yogiawscli:1.0 aws'

Use it:

daws sts get-caller-identity

Use it with specific profile:

daws --profile xxx sts get-caller-identity