
As a student we have facing difficulties to find research related articles and for research trainee to find a mentor for their research and vice -versa. As a result we estimate the United Nations goals and select "Decent work and Economic Growth " which state to promote inclusive economic growth which can drive progress, create decent work for all. And also we select "Quality Education " which enables upward socio-economic mobility, so we decide to focus on these two issues. So begin your journey of research with us....... Begin your journey of research with us.Join the first ever platform made exclusively for the people who are intent in persuing research as their main expertise. As this project gives an ease at searching for research related information and research related people, In future this project can be used as a platform to hire research interns from various field of research. Also, as it provides an open chat system, people will get more aware about the current trends in research and what is happening globally in the field of research. We have planned to expand our project to reach a larger audience through Google ATS and user verdict.


  • I am over helmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge my depth to all those who have helped me to put these ideas, well above the level of simplicity and into something concrete. I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my team and Google .who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic of Research as (Future-Door), which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and i came to know about so many new things. I am really thankful to them. Any attempt at any level can ‘t be satisfactorily completed without the support and guidance of MY team and friends. I would like to thank my team who helped me a lot in gathering different information, collecting data and guiding me from time to time in making this project, despite of their busy schedules, they gave me different ideas in making this project unique.

API Reference

Get all items

  GET /api/items
Parameter Type Description
api_key string Required. Your API key

Get item

  GET /api/items/${id}
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of item to fetch

add(num1, num2)

Takes two numbers and returns the sum.


Insert gif or link to demo


##App Screenshot <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

##App Screenshot <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

##App Screenshot <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> App Screenshot <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> App Screenshot <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> App Screenshot <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> App Screenshot <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> App Screenshot <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> App Screenshot <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://https://github.com/SHIKHER09/Future-Door.git

Go to the project directory

  cd my-project

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start


  • Search
  • Feed
  • Testmonials
  • Global chat
  • User Profile




Tech Stack

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • .JS
  • FireBase
  • Bootstrap