
One-stop solution for organizing and maintaining notes and attendance

Primary LanguageJava

Study Partner

One stop solution for organizing and maintaining notes, attendance, reminders and much more.


Download it now at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.studypartner&hl=en_IN

Tools required

In order to use this demo application you must first have installed:

  • Android Studio
  • Android SDK version 29 (Can be installed from within Android Studio, or with homebrew brew install android-sdk)
  • JDK7

Before pushing read the following:

  1. Id for each screen should be preceded by the activity name using camelCase.
  2. Tabs should be used.
  3. Each file should go under proper package name.
  4. Name of each file should start with the activity it is associated with.

Screen Shots

Home Screen File Screen Attendance Screen Reminder Screen Star Screen