
PHP Library for Pivotal Payment

Primary LanguageCSS


PHP Library for Pivotal Payment http://www.pivotalpayments.com/ca/fr/


CURL (php_curl) XMLRPC (php_xmlrpc) Multibyte String PHP extension (php_mbstring)


Place the content of the github repo into the desired directory in your projet ($DIR) Create a transaction table if needed in your DB (SQL model file in located under:

  • Data/dataModel.sql

Live Usage

//$DIR see section installation below

$paymentParams['ORDERID'] = $orderId;
$paymentParams['AMOUNT'] = $amount;
$paymentParams['CURRENCY'] = $currency;
$paymentParams['CARDNUMBER'] = $cardNumber;
$paymentParams['CARDHOLDERNAME'] = $cardHolderName;
//month two digits (09 for september)
$paymentParams['MONTH'] = $cardMonth;
//year two digits (16 for 2016)
$paymentParams['YEAR'] = $cardYear;
//CVV 3 or 4 Digits depending on vendor
$paymentParams['CVC'] = $cardCVC;

//'live' for live environment
//'test' for test environment
$pivotal = new Pivotal('live',$paymentParams);

//configure your db to autosave transactions
$pivotal->_dbConfig = array('server' => 'localhost', 'login' => 'root', 'password' => 'root', 'database' => 'myDb');

//transactions won't be saved in the DB
$response = $pivotal->sendPayment();

//transactions will be saved in the DB
//true option stands for transaction recording in the database (table is "transaction" see installation section")
$response = $pivotal->sendPayment(true);

Test Usage

Test cards are included in the library:

//$DIR see section installation below

$pivotal_config = new Pivotal_Config('test');

//get test card number for the selected vendor (Visa)
//get the holdername and CVV too
//all test variables are under the Data Directory (TestCards.json)
//live and Test URL are in Data Directory (MainConfig.json)
//live and Test terminals are in Data Directory (Terminals.json)

$card = $pivotal_config->readVendorTestCard('visa');

$paymentParams['ORDERID'] = rand(10,10000);
$paymentParams['AMOUNT'] = 1000;
$paymentParams['CURRENCY'] = 'CAD';
$paymentParams['CARDNUMBER'] = $card['CardNumber'];
$paymentParams['CARDHOLDERNAME'] = $card['CardHolderName'];
$paymentParams['MONTH'] = '09';
$paymentParams['YEAR'] = '16';
$paymentParams['CVC'] = $card['CVC'];

$pivotal = new Pivotal('test',$paymentParams);

$response = $pivotal->sendPayment();

Payment validation Output

//if success
	'APPROVALCODE' => '475318',
	'DATETIME' => '2014-11-10T17:25:58',
	'HASH' => 'b035f8f72f4be9df404d6268b55c02b0',
	'STATUS' => true

//if error
	'ERRORSTRING' => 'The error description',
	'STATUS' => false

Building Payment Form

Payment form helper is included in the library and is based on https://github.com/jessepollak/card plugin


//$DIR see section installation below

//$action = formAction see http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_form_action.asp for more info
$action = 'PaymentProcessURL.php';

$pivotal_form = new Pivotal_Form($action);
echo $pivotal_form->buildForm();


This Lib also provide Regex to detect card vendor (REGEX are located in Data/CardTypes.json) and you can read the vendor based on the Card Number

//$DIR see section installation below

$pivotal_config = new Pivotal_Config('test');

//this clean and compare the card number to regular expression config located under Data/CardTypes.json
//please feel free to add new credit card type but keep in mind the the order in the CardTypes.json is important and that last pattern found = output
//so be sure to have VISA, MASTERCARD before resellers (VISA DEBIT is part of VISA for instance which means that VISA should be before VISA DEBIT)

$vendor = $pivotal_config->getCardType('1234567890123456');

Credit Card Regex

Here are the credit card regex known so far, please feel free to contribute to make this lib even more accurate.

  • Maestro
  • JCB
  • Diners
  • American
  • Express
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Debit MasterCard
  • UK Domestic Maestro
  • Solo