
A responsive full-stack application that allows users to track workout habits and personal stat changes

Primary LanguageCSS



Gym Diary is a fully responsive application that allows gym users to track workouts and health habits. This gym diary is a one-stop log and achievement indicator for those that wish to see specific body goals based upon days that workout activity is logged. The app offers a variety of preset fitness goals as well as visibility to workout details such as reps and sets, and the calorie burn from those workouts. Users will be able to log, favorite and delete workout logs to their liking making this customizable application vital to reaching workout goals.

User Story

AS A user with workout goals I WANT to be able to sign into an app and see what workouts are helping me achieve my body and calorie burning goals SO THAT I can customize my workout and maximize my results


npm nodemon


Application uses Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars.js, MYSQL and Sequelize


See deployed application: https://tranquil-reaches-54677.herokuapp.com' on Heroku


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