- 11
Base directory is hardcoded for init script
#268 opened by colinphill-mdsol - 3
- 4
- 2
- 5
Problem upgrading from 1.3.7 to 1.3.8
#265 opened by dsbw - 3
- 3
How to baseline migrations
#263 opened by insano10 - 3
Unable to run migrations when `next.jdbc.transaction/*nested-tx*` is set to `:prohibit`
#260 opened by p-himik - 0
exclude-scripts behaviour
#259 opened by sindhubb - 2
Allow managing the connection state from calling code
#255 opened by b-ryan - 8
- 5
Migratus rollback doesn't bring down the last migration, but the first migration.
#248 opened by philoskim - 5
- 13
Add option to list ALL migrations considered by migratus
#240 opened by ieugen - 10
Allow for future migrations that are not run until the timestamp on the migration has passed
#243 opened by sirmspencer - 6
Option to ignore regex pattern warning
#242 opened by sirmspencer - 2
Table name should be keyword for next.jdbc
#241 opened by conan - 4
- 6
- 0
Tests failing
#234 opened by S4G4R - 3
Update `migratus.core/rollback` behavior to roll back last applied migration when no arguments are provided
#199 opened by S4G4R - 2
- 4
Add ability to exclude files by mask
#177 opened by p-himik - 2
- 8
How to know current db tables state/fields?
#225 opened by himat - 3
Custom args to migration functions
#227 opened by wevre - 2
No method in multimethod 'make-store' for dispatch value: null when passing a hikari connection pool
#219 opened by jcpsantiago - 5
- 4
- 0
Cannot pass DataSource or Connection through :db
#181 opened by mjhanninen - 2
Improve Circle CI setup
#217 opened by ieugen - 10
switch to next.jdbc (or provide a choice?)
#182 opened by kirillsalykin - 24
- 5
Migratus running migrations already marked as ran
#206 opened by lucian303 - 2
- 4
- 3
Add a function to rollback to a target migration similar to migrate-until-just-before for ups
#200 opened by vincentjames501 - 13
Property substitution support
#197 opened by hoxu - 1
Can't compile migratus v1.3.0 or v1.2.9
#191 opened by honeybadgerinc - 2
:migration-dir is always have value "migrations/"
#188 opened by mikeananev - 1
- 1
migratus.core/select-migrations leaks DB connections
#185 opened by griff - 11
First migrate gets stuck on table-exists?
#179 opened by apa512 - 2
Caused by: Could not locate migratus/core__init.class or migratus/core.clj on classpath.
#178 opened by cmargulhano - 2
support group migrations
#175 opened by vinurs - 3
Executing Pragma in SQLite
#168 opened by WorldsEndless - 1
- 4
Suggestion: Allow passing in a connection
#171 opened by snorremd - 3
In which order are migrations run?
#170 opened by little-dude - 4