
Micro IRC python client

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

The muirc module

muirc is a minimalist & efficient Python module to parse & create IRC messages. It does the job, and only the job, in a Pythonic way.

This fork provides compatibility with python3 and initializes the connection with __init__ instead of __new__ so it can be more easily extended.

Parse & create IRC messages

The module's name is muirc.

import muirc

The main function is transform, which can either parse a raw IRC message and returns an dictionary whose keys are the fields of the message ...

>>> muirc.translate("PRIVMSG #irc :Hello, World! :-)\r\n")
{'nick': None, 'host': None, 'command': 'PRIVMSG', 'user': None, 'params': ['#irc', 'Hello, World! :-)']}

... or parse a dictionary with IRC message's fields and returns a raw IRC message.

>>> muirc.translate({'nick': None, 'host': None, 'command': 'PRIVMSG', 'user': None, 'params': ['#irc', 'Hello, World! :-)']})
'PRIVMSG #irc :Hello, World! :-)\r\n'

Applying transform twice returns the same object

>>> muirc.translate(muirc.translate("PRIVMSG #irc :Hello, World! :-)\r\n"))
'PRIVMSG #irc :Hello, World! :-)\r\n'

>>> muirc.translate(muirc.translate({'nick': None, 'host': None, 'command': 'PRIVMSG', 'user': None, 'params': ['#irc', 'Hello, World! :-)']}))
{'nick': None, 'host': None, 'command': 'PRIVMSG', 'user': None, 'params': ['#irc', 'Hello, World! :-)']}

Some more advance example

>>> muirc.translate(":nick!user@host PRIVMSG #irc :Hello, World! :-)")
{'nick': 'nick', 'host': 'host', 'command': 'PRIVMSG', 'user': 'user', 'params': ['#irc', 'Hello, World! :-)']}

>>> muirc.translate(muirc.translate(":nick!user@host PRIVMSG #irc :Hello, World! :-)"))
':nick!user@host PRIVMSG #irc :Hello, World! :-)\r\n'

Connect to IRC server

A Connection class is provided to interact with an IRC node. It can be used either to build a IRC client or server.

Create a connection giving a 2-tuple (host, port).

>>> conn = muirc.Connection(("irc.freenode.net", 6667))

Proxy methods are provided to easily send IRC messages. The case is not important.

>>> conn.nick("muirc")
>>> conn.UsEr("a", "a", "a", "a")

This class provides an iterator interface which yields a parsed object every time a IRC message is received. This option provides an easy&pythonic way to create an simple IRC client.

The following example connects to FreeNode, join #muirc and send a hello world message.

>>> state = "wait_motd"
>>> for message in conn:
...     if state == "wait_motd":
...         # 376 => MOTD ends
...         if message["command"] == "376":
...             state = "end_motd"
...     # Join #muirc
...     if state == "end_motd":
...         conn.join("#muirc")
...         state = "wait_join"
...     # Wait for join ack
...     if state == "wait_join":
...         if message["command"] == "JOIN":
...                state = "hello_world"
...     # Send "Hello, World! :-)" to the #muirc channel
...     if state == "hello_world":
...         conn.privmsg("#muirc", "Hello, World! :-)")
...         state = "quit"
...     # Quit
...     if state == "quit":
...         conn.quit("Bye, World! :-(")
...         print "OK"
...         break