
Provisioning a VSTS Agent Cluster in Azure With Ansible, Packer And Terraform

Primary LanguageHCL

See blog post for more information

Packer Configuration

Example packer_vars.json file:

    "subscription_id": "***",
    "resource_group_name": "vsts-agent-images",
    "location": "East US",
    "image_name": "vsts-agent-ubuntu"

Terraform Configuration

Example vars.auto.tfvars file:

subscription_id         = "***"
location                = "East US"
vm_resource_group       = "vsts-agent-vms"
image_name              = "vsts-agent-ubuntu"
image_resource_group    = "vsts-agent-images"
vm_name                 = "ubuntu-agent"
vm_instance_count       = 3
vsts_account_name       = "***"
vsts_pat                = "***"

How To Get Going

az login
packer build -var-file=packer_vars.json packer.json
terraform init
terraform apply

Try It Out With Vagrant

vagrant up