Finance APP

Object Oriented Programming - Project Proposal Digital Banking System A state of the art banking system that improves the banking experience for customers by providing a modern, friendly and feature rich digital platform that is secure. The system will be composed of key components that provides an interface for digital account management, transactions, payments and advanced security features. Objectives Scope Timeline

  1. A feature enhanced experience for customers and system administrators and other cooperate roles managing the platform. A modular permission system like discord role permissions that allow/disallow certain features for roles on the platform. For users an interface to see their upcoming lease payments and how far they have progress with the lease etc.
  2. Secure transactions by implementing robust security measures to protect customer data and ensure privacy. Secure platform operations with modular permissions flexible roles within the system. 2FA Authentication as the bare minimum Encryption with document transfers and other places where applicable Using Bio-Metric for user platform specific authentication methods that are more secure (Windows Hello Api for FP and Face recognition, Android API targetting mobile users) Using a decentralized database if possible since transactional data is general best to be stored in a blockchain nature.
  3. Utilities that make communications between the customer and the system and internal management/communication roles efficient. Account statements that can be easily highlighted and sent to a system user for reference (possibly with remarks or a note in aid) Some sort of document passing system between users in the system with protection for certain rols (read write permissions etc.) Ex: passing the valuation report from the evaluator to the branch officials for approval etc.
  4. Requirement Analysis
  5. System Design
  6. Development
  7. Testing
  8. Deployment
  9. Maintenance and Support Conclusion