
Tutorials, lectures, userguides to master iOS Development


Tutorials, lectures, user guides, books, & articles to master iOS Development

Programming Challenges

  • HackerRank

    • Tutorials

      • 30 Days of Code

        • 0: Hello World
        • 1: Data Types
        • 2: Operators
        • 3: Intro to Conditional Statement
        • 4: Class vs. Instance
        • 5: Loops
        • 6: Let's Review
        • 7: Arrays
        • 8: Dictionaries and Maps
        • 9: Recursion
        • 10: Binary Numbers
        • 11: 2D Arrays
        • 12: Inheritance
        • 13: Abstract Classes
        • 14: Scope
        • 15: Linked List
        • 16: Exceptions - String to Integer
        • 17: More Exceptions
        • 18: Queues and Stacks
        • 19: Interfaces
        • 20: Sorting
        • 21: Generics
        • 22: Binary Search Trees
        • 23: BST Level - Order Traversal
        • 24: More Linked Lists
        • 25: Running Time and Complexity
        • 26: Nested Logic
        • 27: Testing
        • 28: RegEx, Patterns, and Intro to Databases
        • 29: Bitwise AND
      • Cracking the Coding Interview Challenges

        • Data Structures

          • Arrays: Left Rotation
          • Strings: Make Anagrams
          • Hash Tables: Ransom Note
          • Linked Lists: Detect a Cycle
          • Stacks: Balanced Brackets
          • Queues: A Tale of Two Stacks
          • Trees: Is This a Binary Search Tree?
          • Heaps: Find the Running Median
          • Tries: Contacts
        • Algorithms

          • Sorting: Bubble Sort
          • Sorting: Comparator
          • Merge Sort: Counting Inversions
          • Binary Search: Ice Cream Parlor
          • DFS: Connected Cell in a Grid
          • BFS: Shortest Reach in a Graph
        • Techniques / Concepts

          • Time Complexity: Primality
          • Recursion: Fibonacci Numbers
          • Recursion: David's Staircase
          • DP: Coin Change
          • Bit Manipulation: Lonely Integer
    • Algorithms

      • Warmup

        • Solves Me First
        • Simple Array Sum
        • Compare the Triplets
        • A Very Big Sum
        • Diagonal Difference
        • Plus Minus
        • Staircase
        • Time Conversion
        • Circular Array Rotation
  • HackerEarth

    • Basic Programming

      • Input/Output

        • Tutorial
        • Toggle String
        • Palindromic String
        • Find Product
        • Count Divisors
        • Roy & Profile Picture
        • Factorial!
        • Life, the Universe, and Everything
        • Magical Word
      • Complexity Analysis

        • self
      • Implementation

        • Tutorial
        • Jumping Tokens
        • The Great Kian
        • Digit Problem
        • Min-Max
        • Print hackerearth
        • Little Jhool & Psychic Powers
        • Addition Ain't Simple
        • Chess Tournament
        • Final Destination
        • War
        • Bob and Bombs
        • Samu and Card Game
        • Roy's Life Cycle
        • Rhezo and Character Frequency
        • Cricket Rating
        • Perfect Baseline
        • Recursive Sums
        • Power Failure
        • String Sum
        • Roy and Cipher Disk
        • Little Jhool and Brute force
        • Soft Sort
        • Little Shino and the Coins
        • Passing the Parcel
        • Matrix Symmetry
        • Mixing Strings
        • Acronym
        • Palindromic Ciphers
        • Blackhat Test
        • Special Matrix
        • Battle of Words
        • Illegible String
        • Utkarsh and Distributing Books
        • File Statistics
        • Strange Addition
        • Inverse List
        • Sherlock and Dates
        • Counter Strike
        • Special Sum
        • Roy and LEDs
        • Sagar's Learning
        • The Art of Verification
        • Car Names
        • Fredo is in a Hurry
        • Sagar's Gift
        • KillCode's Wish
        • Aniruddha's Queue
        • Teaching How to Draw
        • The Best Internet Browser
        • Roy's Life Cycle
        • What is the String Made of?
        • Game of Coins
        • Very Cool Numbers
        • Fun at Cake Shop
        • 2 Fast 2 Furious
        • New Game of Oz
        • The Psychic Type
        • Furniture Transportation
        • Sherlock and Date
        • Bear And Chocolate
        • Bear and Medals
        • Shil and Palindrome
        • Complete String
        • Palindromic Numbers
        • Roy and Texting Robots
        • Rahul's Logo
        • Mancunian in Palindromia
        • Strings
        • Prateek and His Friends
        • Counting Strings
        • Jiva, the Self-Driven Car
        • Aldrin Justice
        • Ikshu & His Machine Gun
        • Miskhi Playing Games
        • Little Kuldeep and Contests
        • Little Jhool and His Breakup
        • The Savior?
        • Diamonds
        • End Game
        • Roy and Trains
        • Roy and Coding Contest
        • To Take or Not to Take
        • Fashion Line
        • AABBAAC
        • Rubik's Square
        • Guess the Permutation
        • Sherlock and Special Count
        • Survey Analysis
        • Explosive Game
        • Little Shino and the Tournament
        • Indent Ruby
        • Confusion
        • Number of Interest 2
        • Chocolate and Boxes
        • Shil and Square Sum
        • A Complex Matrix Count
        • Roy and Counting Sorted Substrings
        • Shil and Survival Game
        • Benny and Balls
        • Recursive Function
      • Operators

        • self
      • Bit Manipulation

        • [ ]
      • Recursion

        • GCD Strings
        • Awesome Sequence

Algorithms & Data Structures Guides

  • Swift Algorithm Club

    • Start From Here:

      • Stack
      • Queue
      • Insertion Sort
      • Binary Search
      • Binary Search Tree
      • Merge Sort
      • Boyer Moore String Search
    • The Algorithms

      • Searching

        • Linear Search
        • Binary Search
        • Count Occurrences
        • Select Minimum/Maximum
        • k-th Largest Element
        • Selection Sampling
        • Union-Find
      • String Search

        • Brute-Force String Search
        • Boyer-Moore
        • Knuth-Morris-Pratt
        • Rabin-Karp
        • Longest Common Subsequence
      • Sorting

        • Basic Sorts

          • Insertion Sort
          • Selection Sort
          • Shell Sort
        • Fast Sort

          • Quick Sort
          • Merge Sort
          • Heap Sort
        • Special Purpose Sort

          • Counting Sort
          • Radix Sort
          • Topological Sort
      • Compression

        • Run-Length Encoding
        • Huffman Coding
      • Misc.

        • Shuffle
        • Comb Sort
      • Mathematics

        • Greatest Common Divisor
        • Permutations and Combinations
        • Shunting Yard Algorithm
        • Karatsuba Multiplication
        • Haversine Distance
      • Machine Learning

        • k-Means Clustering
        • k-nearest Neighbors
        • Linear Regression
        • Logistic Regression
    • Data Structures

      • Variations on Arrays

        • Array2D
        • Bit Set
        • Fixed Size Array
        • Ordered Array
      • Queues

        • Stack
        • Queue
        • De-queue
        • Priority Queue
        • Ring Buffer
      • Lists

        • Linked List
        • Skip-List
      • Trees

        • Tree
        • Binary Tree
        • Binary Search Tree
        • Red-Black Tree
        • Splay Tree
        • Threaded Binary Tree
        • Segment Tree
        • kd-Tree
        • Heap
        • Fibonacci Heap
        • Trie
        • B-Tree
      • Hashing

        • Hash Table
        • Hash Functions
      • Sets

        • Bloom Filter
        • Hash Set
        • Multiset
        • Ordered Set
      • Graphs

        • Graph
        • Breadth-First Search
        • Depth-First Search
        • Shortest Path
        • Single-Source Shortest Paths
        • Minimum Spanning Tree
        • All-Pairs Shortest Paths
    • Puzzles

      • Two-Sum Problems
      • Fizz Buzz
      • Monthy Hall Problem
      • Finding Palindromes

Video Tutorials

  • Forward Swift Courses w/ Paul Hudson
    • Swift - From Zero to Hero

      • 1
      • 2
      • 3
      • 4
      • 5
      • 6
    • iOS 10 Crash Course

      • 1
      • 2
      • 3
      • 4
      • 5
      • 6
      • 7
    • Advanced Swift

      • 1: Closure
      • 2: Closure
      • 3: Functional Programming: map(), flatMap(), reduce(), filter()
      • 4: FP continued & Functional Composition
      • 5: Generics & Pattern Matching
      • 6: Nil Coalescing & Lazy Loading
      • 7: Error & Operator Overloading
      • 8: Labeled Statements & Tuples
    • Protocol Oriented Programming

      • 1: OOP: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, & Polymorphism
      • 2: A primer on OOP & POP, values types vs. references types
      • 3: Comparable, Equatable, CollectionType, IntegerType
      • 4: CollectionType
      • 5: AssociatedType
      • 6: Migrating from OOP to POP