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Ruby Objects Assessment

Medieval Objects

We are going to model a game that is set in Medieval Times. Along the way we are going to create:


A Person class that is the "root" of the class hierarchy

  • Attributes
    • first_name
    • last_name
    • full_name


A Player class that is a subclass of the Person class.

  • Attributes
    • health, defaults to 20
    • strength, defaults to 5
    • alive, default is true. A player will be dead if his/her health reaches zero
  • Methods
    • take_damage(attack_strength): subtract the attack_strength from the recievers health.
    • attack(player): call the player's take_damage method passing the attackers strength as an argument.


A Knight will be a subclass of the Player class.

  • It's default health will be 50
  • It's default strength will be 7


A Wizard will be a subclass of the Player class.

  • It's default health will be 20
  • It's default strength will be 75


  • Fork and clone this repo, change into the ruby_assessment_objects directory.
  • Run bundle install
  • Create a game program (in lib/asessment.rb) that will model a battle/fight between players, knights and wizards. Don't need user input, unless you feel you want to.
  • On Github, initiate a Pull Request to turn in your assessment