
Lemmatizer for text in English. Inspired by Python's nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.morphy

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Lemmatizer for text in English. Inspired by Python's nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.morphy package.

Based on code posted by mtbr at his blog entry WordNet-based lemmatizer

Version 0.2 has added functionality to add user supplied data at runtime


sudo gem install lemmatizer


require "lemmatizer"
lem = Lemmatizer.new
p lem.lemma("dogs",    :noun ) # => "dog"
p lem.lemma("hired",   :verb ) # => "hire"
p lem.lemma("hotter",  :adj  ) # => "hot"
p lem.lemma("better",  :adv  ) # => "well"
# when part-of-speech symbol is not specified as the second argument, 
# lemmatizer tries :verb, :noun, :adj, and :adv one by one in this order.
p lem.lemma("fired")           # => "fire"
p lem.lemma("slow")            # => "slow"


# Lemmatizer leaves alone words that its dictionary does not contain.
# This keeps proper names such as "James" intact.
p lem.lemma("MacBooks", :noun) # => "MacBooks" 
# If an inflected form is included as a lemma in the word index,
# lemmatizer may not give an expected result.
p lem.lemma("higher", :adj) # => "higher" not "high"!

# The above has to happen because "higher" is itself an entry word listed in dict/index.adj .
# To fix this, modify the original dict directly (lib/dict/index.{noun|verb|adj|adv}) 
# or supply with custom dict files (recommended).

Supplying with user dict

# You can supply custom dict files consisting of lines in the format of <pos>\s+<form>\s+<lemma>.
# The data in user supplied files overrides the preset data. Here's the sample. 

# --- sample.dict1.txt (don't include hash symbol on the left) ---
# adj   higher   high
# adj   highest  high
# noun  MacBooks MacBook
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

lem = Lemmatizer.new("sample.dict1.txt")

p lem.lemma("higher", :adj)     # => "high"
p lem.lemma("highest", :adj)    # => "high"
p lem.lemma("MacBooks", :noun)  # => "MacBook"

# The argument to Lemmatizer.new can be either of the following:
# 1) a path string to a dict file (e.g. "/path/to/dict.txt")
# 2) an array of paths to dict files (e.g. ["./dict/noun.txt", "./dict/verb.txt"])

Resolving abbreviations

# You can use 'abbr' tag in user dicts to resolve abbreviations in text.

# --- sample.dict2.txt (don't include hash symbol on the left) ---
# abbr  utexas   University of Texas
# abbr  mit      Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

# <NOTE>
# 1. Expressions on the right (substitutes) can contain white spaces, 
#    while expressions in the middle (words to be replaced) cannot.
# 2. Double/Single quotations could be used with substitute expressions,
#    but not with original expressions.

lem = Lemmatizer.new("sample.dict2.txt")

p lem.lemma("utexas", :abbr) # => "University of Texas"
p lem.lemma("mit", :abbr)    # => "Massachusetts Institute of Technology"


Thanks for assistance and contributions:


Licensed under the MIT license.