
MessagePack-RPC Ruby Implementation

Primary LanguageRuby


MessagePack-RPC is an inter-process messaging library that uses MessagePack[http://msgpack.sourceforge.net/] for object serialization. The goal of the project is providing fast and scalable messaging system for server, client and cluster applications.


gem install msgpack-rpc


You can install MessagePack-RPC for Ruby using RubyGems.

gem install msgpack-rpc

Client API

MessagePack::RPC::Client and MessagePack::RPC::SessionPool are for RPC clients.

Simple usage

Client is subclass of Session. Use Session#call method to call remote methods.

require 'msgpack/rpc'

client = MessagePack::RPC::Client.new('', 18800)

result = client.call(:methodName, arg1, arg2, arg3)

#     ---------- server
#    ^         |
#    |         |
# ---+         +----- client
#    call      join

Asynchronous call

Use Session#call_async method to call remote methods asynchronously. It returns a Future. Use Future#get or Future#attach_callback to get actual result.

require 'msgpack/rpc'

client = MessagePack::RPC::Client.new('', 18800)

# call two methods concurrently
future1 = client.call_async(:method1, arg1)
future2 = client.call_async(:method2, arg1)

# join the results
result1 = future1.get
result2 = future2.get

#     ------------------ server
#    ^                 |
#    |        ---------|-------- server
#    |       ^         |       |
#    |       |         |       |
# ---+-------+-----    +-------+----- client
#    call    call      join    join

Asynchronous call with multiple servers

Loop enables you to invoke multiple asynchronous calls for multiple servers concurrently. This is good for advanced network applications.

require 'msgpack/rpc'

# create a event loop
loop = MessagePack::RPC::Loop.new

# connect to multiple servers
client1 = MessagePack::RPC::Client.new('', 18801, loop)
client2 = MessagePack::RPC::Client.new('', 18802, loop)

# call two methods concurrently
future1 = client1.call_async(:method1, arg1)
future2 = client2.call_async(:method2, arg1)

# join the results
result1 = future1.get
result2 = future2.get

#     ------------------ server-1  --- different servers
#    ^                 |             /
#    |        ---------|-------- server-2
#    |       ^         |       |
#    |       |         |       |
# ---+-------+-----    +-------+----- client
#    call    call      join    join

Connection pooling

SessionPool#get_session returns a Session. It pools created session and enables you to reuse established connections.

require 'msgpack/rpc'

sp = MessagePack::RPC::SessionPool.new

client = sp.get_session('', 18800)

result = client.call(:methodName, arg1, arg2, arg3)

Server API

MessagePack::RPC::Server is for RPC servers.

Simple usage

The public methods of the handler class becomes callbale.

require 'msgpack/rpc'

class MyHandler
  def methodName(arg1, arg2, arg3)
    puts "received"
    return "return result."

server = MessagePack::RPC::Server.new
server.listen('', 18800, MyHandler.new)

Advance return

You can use yield to send the result without returning.

class MyHandler
  def method1(arg1)
    yield("return result.")
    puts "you can do something after returning the result"

Delayed return

You can use AsyncResult to return results later.

class MyHandler
  def method2(arg1)
    as = MessagePack::RPC::AsyncResult.new
    Thread.new do
      sleep 10   # return result 10 seconds later.
      as.result("return result.")
    return as

You can receive and send any objects that can be serialized by MessagePack. This means that the objects required to implement to_msgpack(out = '') method.


You can use UDP and UNIX domain sockets instead of TCP.

For clients

For clients, use MessagePack::RPC::UDPTransport or MessagePack::RPC::UNIXTransport.

require 'msgpack/rpc'
require 'msgpack/rpc/transport/udp'

transport = MessagePack::RPC::UDPTransport.new
address = MessagePack::RPC::Address.new('', 18800)

client = MessagePack::RPC::Client.new(transport, address)

result = client.call(:methodName, arg1, arg2, arg3)

You can use transports for SessionPool.

require 'msgpack/rpc'
require 'msgpack/rpc/transport/udp'

transport = MessagePack::RPC::UDPTransport.new

sp = MessagePack::RPC::SessionPool.new(transport)

client = sp.get_session('', 18800)

result = client.call(:methodName, arg1, arg2, arg3)

For servers

For servers, use MessagePack::RPC::UDPServerTransport or MessagePack::RPC::UNIXServerTransport.

require 'msgpack/rpc'
require 'msgpack/rpc/transport/udp'

class MyHandler
  def methodName(arg1, arg2, arg3)
    puts "received"
    return "return result."

address = MessagePack::RPC::Address.new('', 18800)
listener = MessagePack::RPC::UDPServerTransport.new(address)

server = MessagePack::RPC::Server.new
server.listen(listener, MyHandler.new)
