
Get started with mapping with a simple Leaflet map

Let's make a web map

Step 1

Create a "map" folder on your desktop, or desired location on your computer. This is where you will save files for this workshop.

Step 2

Open VSCode.

If you do not have VSCode, you can download it here:

Step 3

  1. Click "Open Folder"
  2. Navigate to your "map" folder you created in Step 1
  3. Click on the "new file" button as shown below:

  1. Name the file "map.html"

Your VSCode should now look like this:

Step 3

Copy and paste the following code::

<!-- leaflet css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.9.4/dist/leaflet.css" />

<!-- leaflet javascript -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.4.0/dist/leaflet.js"></script>

<!-- the map container -->
<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 600px;"></div>

<!-- the javascript to make the map -->
	// location
	var latlon = [35.6585, 139.7454]

	// create the map
	var map = L.map('map').setView(latlon, 18);

	// add a basemap
	L.tileLayer('https://cyberjapandata.gsi.go.jp/xyz/seamlessphoto/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg', {
		attribution: '国土地理院'

	// add a marker with a popup window
		.bindPopup("Tokyo Tower")

Step 4

Save the file. Find the file map.html on your desktop (or the location you chose to use) and double click it.

Step 5

Customize the map. Find the latitude and longitude of a location on earth.

Go to google maps: https://www.google.com/maps

Search or navigate to any location.

Right click, and select the coordinates (it will automatically be copied to your clipboard)


Step 6

Replace the latitude and longitude coordinates in the code with the numbers you just copied from Google Maps.

Step 7

Some challenge exercises:

  • Add a title and description (use HTML tags <h1></h1>, <p></p>)
  • Change the text in the popup window
  • Add multiple markers to the map
  • Add a circle to the map (example below, radius is in pixels)
// add a circle 



  • Explain what you have just created, and why it may or may not be useful
  • How is an "interactive" map different?
  • Discuss additional features you would like to add to your map
  • Elaborate on how this type of data visualization (i.e. map-based) can be used in your field of interest