Clone this repository and copy over the files to the ~/.config/nvim. Create the subdirectory if it does not exist.
Configurations for my most recent NeoVim setup.
Use :Term{line numbers resize => default is half screen} Use :VTerm for vertical split
To exit terminal mode, use <C-><C-n> or <C-w>N
C-j to go down a selection and C-k to go up a selection. Use TAB to selection completion suggestion and C-e to close completion menu or double click ESC.
Use K to show definition for current selection.
Use <C-]> to jump to definition.
Use <C-e> to exit completion popup.
Personal shortcut to use finder is: <C-space>
Personal shortcut for live grep is: <C-g>
"<leader>" defaults to '\'
- Toggles the current line using linewise comment
- Toggles the current line using blockwise comment
- Toggles the number of line given as a prefix-count using linewise
- Toggles the number of line given as a prefix-count using blockwise
- (Op-pending) Toggles the region using linewise comment
- (Op-pending) Toggles the region using blockwise comment
- Toggles the region using linewise comment
- Toggles the region using blockwise comment
:tab to create new tabp :{count}tabp - previous tab :{count}tabn - next tab gt - next tab {num}gt - go to tab numbered {num}
<j> for up
<k> for down
<h> for left
<l> for right
<CTRL-> plus the above directions for moving between windows
<CTRL-> plus the above directions in INSERT mode allows navigation during insert mode
<CTRL-{d,u}> to move up and down in blocks
<CTRL-{i,o}> to move to next/prev file in history cycle
Shift-3 to find next occurence of word
Shift-Enter to enter newline in next line Cntrl-Enter to enter newline in above line
Standard Copy/Cut/Paste is available when in insertion mode.
Use visual mode to highlight and make selections. to yank or copy to cut
to paste after cursor
to paste at cursor
dd - cuts line {j,k} to move cursor up or down P - paste above cursor p - paste below cursor
<C-{HJLK}> to change windows Enter or "o" to open a directory Shift-O to recursively open a directory "m" to open menu options where you can create a "child node" to create new files/directories "t" to open file in new tab
Read the Startify docs using ":h startify"
Make sure to start creating your session in the project root! Otherwise, restoring session will restore from different directory.
Has poor compatibility with NERDTree so utilize fuzzy finder more instead.
q{a-z} - registers the macro to a slot and begins recording. Press q again to finish recording.
To use playback a macro, use @{a-z}. @@ also replays the most recent macro.
Use commands via :Gitsigns <command>
Use ":MarkdownPreview" to toggle markdown preview in browser.
K to show hover definition
Cntrl-] to jump to definition
Cntrl-R to rename