
This repository was created to learn along with the course of GraphQL at [Alura](https://www.alura.com.br/).

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GraphQL Alura

This repository was created to learn along with the course of GraphQL at Alura.

How to use

At the root directory use npx json-server --nc --watch mock-data/data.json to get a data server where you can get data from.
And npm start to start the nodemon server that starts the GraphQL server.


JSON Server Endpoints

Depending of your firewall rules, you need to put your real ip instead of localhost.




  • curl --request POST --header 'content-type: application/json' --url http://localhost:4000 --data '{"query": "query <opt_query_name> { users { name }}"}'
  • curl --request POST --header 'content-type: application/json' --url http://localhost:4000 --data '{"query": "query {__schema { types { name kind fields { name }}}}"}'


curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url http://localhost:4000/ \
--data '{"query":"mutation AddUser($user: AddUserParams!) {\r\n  addUser(user: $user) {\r\n    active\r\n    role {\r\n      id\r\n      type\r\n    }\r\n    name\r\n  }\r\n}","variables":{"user":{"active":false,"name":"test","role":3}}}'

Ideas of Refactoring

  • Create a env file for env variables.