
Google Prediction API sample codes.

Primary LanguagePython

How to use this prediction API sample scripts in Python

This script set refer google api client sample in Python, you can see original codes here google-api-python-client/samples/prediction . prediction.py is a sample code using OAuth credentials (JSON) link to your personal information on your Google Developer Console. prediction_service.py is also same, but it uses Service Account Credentials instead of personal OAuth2 credentials. 2nd one is to avoid OAuth2 browser authentication such as Two Legged OAuth.

System Requirement

  • Python 2.7
  • Virtualenv

Prepare your python environment using virtualevn

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ mkdir lib
(venv)$ pip install -t lib -r requirements.txt

Working with Google Developer Console

  • Create a project from Developer Console
  • Enable 2 API which are Prediction API and Cloud Storage API.
  • Create a OAuth2 credentials and populates it with name client_secrets.json.
  • Create a ServiceAccount.
  • Download credentials as. <your-project-name>-xxxx.json to place same level on your client_secrets.json
  • Upload language_id.txt to your Cloud Storage

Run prediction.py

$ python prediction.py "bucket/object" "model_id" "project_id"

Run prediction_service.py

$ python prediction_service.py "bucket/object" "model_id" "project_id" "my-xxxxx.json"