
MvvMChart is an extremely lightweighted, MVVM support and highly customizable WPF/UWP chart control.

Primary LanguageC#


MvvmChart is an extremely lightweight, MVVM support and highly customizable chart control for WPF(including DotNet.Core).


  • Extremely lightweighted: The whole codebase is just about 6000 lines;
  • Perfect MVVM support. Series, LegendItem, Scatter, BarItem, all can be created with DataTemplate through data binding.
  • Support four types of series: LineSeries, AreaSeries, ScatterSeries and BarSeries. The four type of series in a SeriesControl can be overlapped or removed dynamically.
  • And all four series types support 3 stack mode: Normal(None), Stacked, Stacked 100%;
  • LineSeries and AreaSeries support three types of geometry: Polyline, Stepline and Spinline. And the geometry of a LineSeries/AreaSeries can be changed throught data binding easily.
  • support DateTime&DateTimeOffset data and category data.
  • Axis support various axis placement(for x-axis: Top&Bottom, for y-axis: Left&Right). Support GridLine, CrossHair, Legend, BackgroundElement...
  • Highly customizable: Almost everything can be customized through Binding or by changing Styles or Template. And one of the most highlighted features: user can completely change the shape(Geometry) of LineSeries/AreaSeries just by implementing the ISeriesGeometryBuilderand binding them to PathSeries.GeometryBuilder;
  • Good performance: User will not lose too much performance for true MVVM support and great customizability.


LineSeries+ScatterSeries LineSeries+ScatterSeries+AreaSeries BarSeries LineSeries+ScatterSeries+BarSeries

Quick start:

  1. Create a new WPF(.NET Framework) app.(NOTE: Only .NET Framework version WPF supported for now, .NET core version will come soon.)
  2. Install from NuGet: Install-Package MvvmChartWpfFX
  3. Define the view models:
    public class SomePoint
        public double t { get; }
        public double Y { get; }
    public class SomePointList: BindableBase

        public int Index { get;  }

        public ObservableCollection<SomePoint> DataList { get; }

        public SomePointList(int index)
            this.Index = index;
            this.DataList = new ObservableCollection<SomePoint>();

    public class DemoDataViewModel 
        public List<List<SomePoint>> ItemsSourceList { get; }
  1. Define a DataTemplate:
        <DataTemplate x:Key="MySeriesTemplate" DataType="local:SomePointList">
            <chart:SeriesControl IndependentValueProperty="t"
                                         ItemsSource="{Binding DataList}"
                    <chart:PolyLineSeries Stroke="{Binding Index, Converter={StaticResource IndexToStrokeConverter}}"


                    <chart:PolyLineAreaSeries Stroke="{Binding Index, Converter={StaticResource IndexToAreaSeriesFillConverter}}">


  1. Finally create a Chart and reference the DataTemplate:
       <chart:Chart Background="Bisque"
                           SeriesTemplate="{StaticResource MySeriesTemplate}"
                           SeriesItemsSource="{Binding ItemsSourceList, Source={StaticResource DemoDataViewModel}}">
               <chart:NumericAxis Title="t values"/>
               <chart:NumericAxis Title="Y values"/>

Use with DateTime/DateTimeOffset data:

MvvmChart supports DateTime/DateTimeOffset type data. When it sees the type of data is the DateTime/DateTimeOffset, it will automatically convert it to double using DoubleValueConverter.ObjectToDouble() method. But when displaying the axis label text, it will be the user's responsibility to write a converter to convert it back and format it to a string. In order to convert the value back correctly, the user can use DoubleValueConverter.DoubleToDateTime()(for DateTime type) or DoubleValueConverter.DoubleToDateTimeOffset() (for DateTimeOffset type) method.
For example:

    public class DoubleToDateTimeStringConverter : IValueConverterNS
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            var q = (double) value;

            var t = DoubleValueConverter.DoubleToDateTimeOffset(q);

            return t.ToString("yyyy MMMM dd");

        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

and set the converter to the LabelTextConverter property of Axis:

    <chart:Chart SeriesDataTemplate="{StaticResource SeriesTemplate}"
                 SeriesItemsSource="{Binding ItemsSourceList, Source={StaticResource TimeSeriesViewModel}}">

            <chart:NumericAxis LabelTextConverter="{StaticResource DoubleToDateTimeStringConverter}"/>


Here is a screenshort from the DateTimeOffset XAxis demo:

DateTimeOffset XAxis demo

To see more samples, just download the source code, and run the Demo app(more samples will be added continually). Enjoy!