nasa-parallel-bench for multi-swap test

Primary LanguageFortran

NAS Parallel Benchmarks Version 3.4.2 (NPB3.4.2)

  NAS Parallel Benchmarks Team
  NASA Ames Research Center
  Moffett Field, CA   94035-1000

  E-mail:  npb@nas.nasa.gov                                      
  Fax:     (650) 604-3957                                        


  For documentation on installing and running the NAS Parallel
  Benchmarks, refer to subdirectory README files.


  Information on NPB 3.4.2, including the technical reports, the          
  original specifications, source code, results and information        
  on how to submit new results, is available at:                       


Summary of New Features and Improvements
 (Details are given in Changes.log.)

 in NPB3.4.2 from NPB3.4.1:

  - new verification scheme for EP

  - MPI version
    * add back the VEC versions of BT and LU

    * fixed a bug in the BT-IO benchmark that can cause integer overflow
      in CLASS=D or larger problems.  Setting FORTRAN_REC_SIZE in make.def
      is no longer required.

 in NPB3.4.1 from NPB3.4:

  - changed Fortran sources from fixed form to free form

  - MPI version
    * fixed an inconsistency in enforcing process count requirement

  - OMP version
    * fixed the report of Fortran compiler flag

    * The blocking factor for FT can now be set via make option

 in NPB3.4 from NPB3.3.1:

  - General changes applied to both MPI and OMP versions
      * Added the class E problem size for IS, and the class F problem 
        size for BT, LU, SP, CG, EP, FT, and MG.

      * Use Fortran modules and allocatable arrays to define and
        manage global data (to replace common blocks) and Fortran 2003 
        IEEE arithmetic function to catch the NaN condition during 

      * The environment variable NPB_TIMER_FLAG is now used to enable 
        additional timers.

      * Make flag change: from MPIF77 or F77 to MPIFC or FC.

  - MPI version improvement
      * MPI codes use Fortran 90 dynamic memory allocation for space 
        allocation to simplify compilation process.  The number of 
        processes is solely determined and checked at runtime.

      * Performance improvement of the LU benchmark.

  - OMP version improvement
      * Improved loop-level parallelism with the use of the COLLAPSE

      * Included the "blocking" version for the BT and SP benchmarks

      * Included the "doacross" version for the LU benchmark

  - Removed the serial version - use the OpenMP version instead

 in NPB3.3.1 from NPB3.3:

  - Bug fixes for:
      MPI/FT - non-portable way of broadcasting input parameters
      {OMP,SER}/DC - access to out-of-bound array elements
      {OMP,SER}/UA - use of uninitialized array

  - Code clean up in MPI/LU: avoid using MPI_ANY_SOURCE and delete
      unused codes

  - Additional timers are included in the MPI version

  - Executables produced for OMP and SER now use ".x" as an extension

 in NPB3.3 from NPB3.2.1:

  - Introduction of the Class E problem in seven of the benchmarks
    (BT, SP, LU, CG, MG, FT, and EP) to stress larger size parallel 

  - Class D added to the IS benchmark in all three implementations.

  - Enable the Bucket sort option for OMP/IS.

  - Introduction of the "twiddle" array in the OpenMP FT benchmark
    to improve performance

  - Array padding in MPI/SP was adjusted to improve performance

  - Merge the vector codes for the BT and LU benchmarks into this

  - The hyperplane version of LU (LU-HP) is no longer included 
    in the distribution.  Download NPB3.2.1 if needed.

 in NPB3.2.1 from NPB3.2:

  - A number of bug fixes for the MPI versions of {FT, LU, MG, BT} and 
    the OpenMP version of LU

  - Improvements on the OpenMP versions of {EP, IS, UA}
    (see *OMP/UA/README for a special note on UA)

 in NPB3.2 from NPB3.1:

  - Serial DC was converted to C from C++ (only classes S, W, A and B
    are available)

  - OpenMP version of DC was added (only classes S, W, A and B
    are available)

  - Inclusion of the new DT benchmark (MPI)

 in NPB3.1 from NPB3.0 & NPB2.4:

  - MPI, OpenMP, and Serial versions are now merged into one package

  - Inclusion of the Class D problem in both serial and OpenMP versions

  - Inclusion of the new UA benchmark (Serial & OpenMP)

  - Inclusion of "LU-HP" in the OpenMP version

  - Inclusion of the new DC benchmark (Serial)

  - Use of relative errors for verification in both CG and MG

  - Change in problem parameters for MG Class W

The NPB IO benchmark is part of NPB3.3-MPI.  Check the README file
in that subdirectory for additional information.

The Java and HPF implementations are not included in this distribution.
Please use the NPB3.0 distribution.