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The Doctor Learning Management System


Welcome to Cameroon, welcome to the doctor learning management system. Our slogan "More than learning, It's a life taste" Speaks for itself. We're giving a taste to the old lifestyle. We offer another vision of life and education..

Lately, we have witnessed a lot of disruptions in our traditional educational system. In 2019 for example, where most activities throughout the whole world were halted due to the presence of a deadly virus (Covid 19 Pandemic). In addition to that, we have witnessed other severe cases like the war ongoing in Ukraine which disrupts the normal learning program of students as they are unable to leave their houses because of fear. The list of such happenings which disrupt the education of students is very long.

The education of our children is vital and should not be a matter of uncertainty. Regardless of the scenario, we should be able to continuously provide quality education to our children because they are the future.

In response to all these pandemics and to others that we predict might happen that will temper with education, we got the idea of bringing forward a modern learning platform to make the day of all students very productive.

Luckily, Google has a collection of well-predesigned solutions to help us create robust and quality products and solutions to remedy these problems. Using these well-crafted Google products and their APIs such as Google Maps, Google Classroom, Firebase, Google Calendar, Google Translate, Google vision we gave birth to our baby (DocLMS).

What is DocLMS all about?

While a learning management system might sound like a pretty basic and straightforward system to implement, it becomes a whole different thing when we start adding these technologies and features to make students get the best and most comfortable and reliable experience of learning even in their discomfort and pandemic hit zones.

You might be tempted to think - "Oh! an LMS? Nothing new we know that", give me some minutes let me present this product to you and its feature that makes it our pride.

The DocLMS is a product built that makes a perfect mixture of the Django framework and Firebase at the backend and for the frontend is more than just a normal template made of HTML, CSS, and javascript. Instead, it is an alliance of different frameworks such as Boostrap, TailwindCSS, Jquery and Reactjs. We are aimed at using the google technologies to get an optimized solution for education.

The core features

Doctor LMS is more than a normal LMS. It doesn't only help you by teaching you but also it is aimed at helping you by taking care of your health. Using in-built google machine learning from firebase and google translate APIs, we get closer to our user's health, status and get to speak the same language as they do. Below are the core features we do offer.

  • Blog: Getting to know what we do, the services we offer, and any updates were the reasons why we integrated a blog into our platform. The blog implementation is an achievement of the linkage between Django and Google Firestore. Go and learn of the project from our blog.

  • LMS: The main aim of the platform is the online learning management system built with the Django framework and supported by google firebase as a backend and authentication framework. This LMS is a no boundary LMS in terms of language spoken, this was achieved by the google translate API to solve the problem of language barriers. In Cameroon, bilingualism is an idle situation so we're not that way 100% bilingual, some are francophones and others anglophones.

  • Find my way: The university of Bamenda s one of the largest universities in Cameroon, and navigating on campus can be a tedious task both for newbies and veterans. This led to the development of a page where a map of the campus is found with restricted boundaries just to that campus. The map has all the halls, gates, and roads of the campus registered, moving from one point to another easily is like a kid's game. We handle your stay on campus from the 1st to the 31st.

  • The Library Management system: In our try to solve our local community problems and link it up to the UN Development Goals, we noticed the poor management system in our library, will the help of firebase and some machine learning technologies we achieved a simple e-library management system to help our users and mates to get appropriate books for free and on time. The books are encrypted to be accessed only on the website and download is not possible. Access to books is done periodically, by getting a token from the library manager.

Our impact


Our primary focus when typing django-admin start project doclms was to solve a few goals on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. As engineers we opted to solve some real-life problems. Below are the points which inspired us to give birth to this platform. Below are the points we targeted on these goals.

  1. Quality Education : The future is education and education is the feature. DocLMS is a learning world where everyone is free to learn at his/her ease. What's best if it's not to offer an appropriate means of educating the next generation.

  2. Gender Equality: AS free as DocLMS is, gender equality is one of our happiness. Making users' gender private from both the teachers and their mates gives the same education material and quality to people of both sexes. Nonbinary, females, Male, and Transgender are welcomed and encouraged to our platform.

  3. Reduced Inequalities: Inequalities existing because of gender, sex, tribe, country, physical disabilities, financial state, and origins are restricted and prohibited. At DocLms, we offer education for free. We're a free service platform charge.

  4. No Poverty: What's best way to forget poverty than to not think about it. While building DocLms we thought it wise not only to reduce the gap between the poor and the rich but to eliminate it at all. The DocLms is a free charged service platform and offers all of it content to its users completely for free.

  5. Good Health and Wellbeing: From its name, The Doctor Learning Management System is a health advisor. Giving you advice and constant updates about the measures you can take to naturally protect yourself from diseases and getting day-to-day tips to stay healthy. The DocLMS takes care of the user's health too. We are very, open, free and keep you updated.

    Project under the MIT License. Aboyo Team initiative