
Minimal metadata schemas for science software and code, in JSON and XML

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


CodeMeta is creating minimal metadata schemas for science software and code, in JSON and XML.

This is an extension of the work done by @arfon, @hubgit, @kaythaney and others on Code as a Research Object / fidgit. Code as a research object is a Mozilla Science Lab (@MozillaScience) project working with community members to explore how we can better integrate code and scientific software into the scholarly workflow. Out of this came fidgit - a proof of concept integration between Github and figshare, providing a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the code which allows for persistent reference linking.

With codemeta, we want to formalize the schema used to map between the different services (Github, figshare, Zenodo) to help others plug into existing systems. Having a standard software metadata interoperability schema will allow other data archivers and libraries join in. This will help keep science on the web shareable and interoperable!

JSON-LD schema: https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta/blob/master/codemeta.jsonld

Example instance: https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta/blob/master/example-codemeta.json

Comparison of current APIs in this space: https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta/blob/master/crosswalk.csv

How you can help

We need help formalizing a schema and creating mappings between existing software metadata schemas and the proposed schema.


  • Matt Jones
  • Arfon Smith
  • Abby Cabunoc Mayes
  • Carl Boettiger
