- 0
deprecation of UK VAT number API 1.0
#137 opened by Fivell - 1
Handeling different response data
#133 opened by whysthatso - 2
Swiss (CH) VAT validation and lookup
#130 opened by Mollemoll - 1
- 0
Add proxy option
#127 opened by paratskyi - 1
When do you expect to bump the gem version so we can use updated Cyprus regular expression?
#126 opened by amerpersonal - 4
Add caching
#118 opened by nicolas-brousse - 1
Equality for Valvat objects
#120 opened by ksol - 1
Missing dependency rexml?
#117 opened by jalyna - 20
Implement VAT validation for GB VAT numbers
#99 opened by firstpromoter - 19
- 2
- 8
- 2
`Savon::HTTPError` not handled gracefully
#103 opened by springerigor - 1
- 13
No response returned as of 2022
#109 opened by JensDebergh - 1
Support for Northern Ireland (XI)
#108 opened by albertbellonch - 1
- 4
- 11
Incompatibility with Ruby 3.0.0
#98 opened by luizkowalski - 1
How to test errors?
#90 opened by timokleemann - 1
- 5
Cannot validate
#88 opened by kritik - 2
Add configuration for Savon timeout
#54 opened by ndnenkov - 4
Testing with VCR doesn't work
#75 opened by svobom57 - 1
Release a new gem version?
#87 opened by mcostanza - 2
Debugging option?
#78 opened by lubekpl - 0
Incorrect spelling
#83 opened by Kashoid23 - 3
Getting Nil in all validate cases
#82 opened by avschiller - 5
- 17
- 0
Checksum support for more countries
#41 opened by dmitry - 6
getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
#48 opened by mArtinko5MB - 0
Getting nil in all cases
#73 opened by xxswingxx - 4
0.8.2 has breaking changes
#69 opened by henrik - 1
VAT number for testing purposes
#61 opened by timokleemann - 1
- 2
#50 opened by WouterSchoofs - 1
no possibility to configure savon
#39 opened by Fivell - 1
Could you roll a release please?
#38 opened by julik - 9
Message part was not recognized
#33 opened - 4
Incompatible with Ruby 2.1.0
#27 opened by haslinger - 7
lookup_spec tests are failing
#22 opened by liggitt - 6
- 1
License missing from gemspec
#20 opened by bf4 - 2
- 4
Belgian VAT numbers can have two formats
#18 opened by Veejay - 1
Bundler::GemNotFound error
#16 opened by gerard76 - 0
Normalize nil
#10 opened by borodiychuk - 1
Somehow it dows not get data from VIES
#8 opened by borodiychuk