
πŸš€ Fast lightweight HTTP service framework.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status QQηΎ€



Fast, lightweight Web framework based on Netty; without too much dependency, and the core jar package is only 30KB.

If you are interested, please click Star.


  • Clean code, without too much dependency.
  • One line of code to start the HTTP service.
  • Custom interceptor.
  • Flexible parameters way.
  • Response json.
  • Start with jar.
  • Custom configuration.
  • Multiple routing ways.
  • Support HTTPS.
  • Support Cookie.
  • File Upload.

Quick Start

Create a project with Maven, import core dependency.


start class:

public class MainStart {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        CicadaServer.start(MainStart.class,"/cicada-example") ;

Configuring business Action

Create business Action implement top.crossoverjie.cicada.server.action.WorkAction interface:

@CicadaAction(value = "demoAction")
public class DemoAction implements WorkAction {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerBuilder.getLogger(DemoAction.class) ;

    private static AtomicLong index = new AtomicLong() ;

    public WorkRes<DemoResVO> execute(Param paramMap) throws Exception {
        String name = paramMap.getString("name");
        Integer id = paramMap.getInteger("id");
        LOGGER.info("name=[{}],id=[{}]" , name,id);

        DemoResVO demoResVO = new DemoResVO() ;
        WorkRes<DemoResVO> res = new WorkRes();
        res.setDataBody(demoResVO) ;
        return res;


Launch and apply access:

    "code": "9000",
    "dataBody": {
        "index": 1
    "message": "成功"

Custom interceptor

Implement top.crossoverjie.cicada.example.intercept.CicadaInterceptor interface.

@Interceptor(value = "executeTimeInterceptor")
public class ExecuteTimeInterceptor implements CicadaInterceptor {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerBuilder.getLogger(ExecuteTimeInterceptor.class);

    private Long start;

    private Long end;

    public void before(Param param) {
        start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    public void after(Param param) {
        end = System.currentTimeMillis();

        LOGGER.info("cast [{}] times", end - start);

Interceptor Adapter

If you only want to implement one of the methods ,only extends top.crossoverjie.cicada.server.intercept.AbstractCicadaInterceptorAdapter abstract class.

@Interceptor(value = "loggerInterceptor")
public class LoggerInterceptorAbstract extends AbstractCicadaInterceptorAdapter {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerBuilder.getLogger(LoggerInterceptorAbstract.class) ;

    public void before(Param param) {
        LOGGER.info("logger param=[{}]",param.toString());


Performance Test

Test Conditions: 300 concurrency for twice ;1G RAM/one CPU/1Mbps.

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