ab-Initio Configuration Sampling tool kit (abICS) is a Python code (library and application) for Metropolice Monte Carlo.
- python3
- numpy
- scipy
- toml (for parsing input files)
- mpi4py (for parallel tempering)
- pymatgen (for parsing vasp I/O)
- qe-tools (for parsing QE I/O)
$ git clone https://github.com/issp-center-dev/abics
$ wget https://github.com/issp-center-dev/abics/archive/master.zip
$ unzip master.zip
Make a wheel file by
$ ./make_wheel.sh
and install this as
$ pip install dist/abics-*.whl
If you want to change the directory where installed,
add --user
option or --prefix=DIRECTORY
option into the above command as
$ pip install --user dist/abics-*.whl
For details, see the manual of pip
by pip help install
$ export PYTHONPATH=$Path_To_abics:$PYTHONPATH
The distribution of the program package and the source codes follow GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL v3).
Under construction
Shusuke Kasamatsu, Yuichi Motoyama, Kazuyoshi Yoshimi