
OCaml 4.02 cross compiler for the rumprun unikernel stack

Primary LanguageShell


This OPAM repository contains:

  1. ocaml-rumprun, an OCaml 4.02 cross compiler for the rumprun unikernel stack.
  2. mirage, a MirageOS package which supports rumprun as a target.
  3. ~25 and counting packages with their build systems fixed to support cross-compliation. These packages are required by MirageOS, but can of course be used to build standalone OCaml applications running on top of rumprun.

Experimental work in progress, may eat your data or at least wreak havoc with your OPAM instrallation! Using a separate OPAM switch is recommended.

Building the ocaml-rumprun cross compiler


  • A Linux/x86 or Linux/x86_64 machine to build on.
  • QEMU (and optionally KVM) installed to run the built unikernels.
  • OCaml and OPAM installed.

If you are using an x86_64 machine to build: ensure that you are using a 32-bit OCaml compiler matching the version of ocaml-rumprun. opam switch 4.02.1+32bit should do the trick.

Add this repository to your OPAM installation:

    opam repository add rumprun git://github.com/mato/opam-rumprun

Build steps

  1. Build the rumprun toolchain for the hw platform:

On an x86_64 machine:

./build-rr.sh hw -- -F ACFLAGS=-m32 -F ACLFLAGS=-march=i686

Depending on your Linux distribution, you may need the gcc-multilib package installed.

On an x86 machine:

./build-rr.sh hw
  1. Add the rumprun/bin directory added to your $PATH.

  2. Install the ocaml-rumprun package, specifying a RUMPRUN_PLATFORM matching the rumprun toolchain you just built (look in the rumprun/bin directory):

    RUMPRUN_PLATFORM=i486-rumprun-netbsdelf opam install ocaml-rumprun

Example: Standalone OCaml

"Hello, World"

Build a native "Hello, World!":

    echo 'let () = print_endline "Hello, World!"' > hello.ml
    ocamlfind -toolchain rumprun ocamlopt hello.ml -o hello
    rumprun-bake hw_virtio hello.bin hello

Run it using (for example) KVM (root may be required):

    rumprun kvm -i ./hello.bin

Using the Unix module for POSIX calls

Rumprun provides a POSIX-like environment, so you can use the normal OCaml Unix module and pthreads. A simple example:

    echo 'open Unix;; let () = print_endline (string_of_float (Unix.gettimeofday ()))' > unixtime.ml
    ocamlfind -toolchain rumprun ocamlopt -package unix -linkpkg unixtime.ml -o unixtime
    rumprun-bake hw_virtio unixtime.bin unixtime

Run it using (for example) KVM (root may be required):

    rumprun kvm -i ./unixtime.bin

Example: MirageOS on bare metal

The following examples require that you install the MirageOS package.

Please note: The MirageOS package is currently on version 2.5.0+rumprun as the rumprun-specific changes have not yet been upstreamed. You will need to pin your installation of Mirage to this specific version. Using a separate OPAM switch is recommended.

    opam pin add mirage 2.5.0+rumprun
    opam install mirage
    ∗  installed mirage.2.5.0+rumprun

Verify that version 2.5.0+rumprun is installed.

You will also need to clone the mirage-skeleton repository and check out the mirage-dev branch.

"Hello, World"

  1. cd mirage-skeleton/console
  2. mirage configure --target rumprun
  3. make depend && make
  4. rumprun-bake hw_virtio mir-console.bin mir-console
  5. rumprun kvm -i ./mir-console.bin

MirageOS network stack example

  1. cd mirage-skeleton/stackv4
  2. NET=socket mirage configure --target rumprun
  3. make depend && make
  4. rumprun-bake hw_virtio mir-stackv4.bin mir-stackv4
  5. rumprun kvm -i [network configuration...] ./mir-stackv4.bin

For the KVM network configuration, something like this will give you a host-only tap0 network interface which can talk to the mirage unikernel:

-I 'qnet0,vioif,-net tap,ifname=tap0' -W qnet0,inet,static,

The exact syntax depends on your QEMU version, networking setup and the phase of the moon. YMWV.

MirageOS static website example

  1. cd mirage-skeleton/static_website
  2. NET=socket mirage configure --target rumprun
  3. make depend && make
  4. rumprun-bake hw_virtio mir-www.bin mir-www
  5. rumprun kvm -i [network configuration...] ./mir-www.bin

Example: mirage-seal

mirage-seal is a tool that seals the contents of a directory into a static unikernel, serving its contents over HTTP(S).

To use mirage-seal on rumprun:

Add an OPAM pin for the version with rumprun target support:

opam pin add mirage-seal git://github.com/mato/mirage-seal#rumprun

Put some HTML files in files/, and run:

mirage-seal -d files/ --no-tls --sockets -t rumprun

This will build ./mir-seal which you can rumpbake and rumprun as appropriate.

MirageOS status on rumprun

Currently the following MirageOS components are working on rumprun:

  • Block
  • Clock (However rumprun on KVM/QEMU has no wall time at present)
  • Conduit
  • Console
  • STACKV4_socket (The socket-based network stack)

Work in progress:

  • TLS (Builds and links, but not operational yet)