6ix Quizzes is a sample application created to leverage the main features of DRF JWT authentication highlighted in this tutorial - https://svbtle.com/authentication-using-django-rest-framework.
Let's build an open quiz platform to succeed one of my favorite, now dead, quiz platforms, Smarterer.
Using the platform you can do the following:
- Perform basic CRUD operations on quizzes
- Run a quiz
- Mark quizzes as private/public
- Share test links with users. Private quizzes accessible to only invited users and public quizzes available to all.
Ensure you have Python installed on your system. This application uses Python 2.X.
Install the requirements in the requirement.txt file.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Ensure to create and run your migrations.
python run app/manage.py makemigrations
python run app/manage.py migrate
You can update other settings within app/settings.py
to suit your environment database settings etc.
RECOMMENDED: Use either Docker or a virtual environment to ensure your dependencies are local to your app.
The application backend is written in Python/Django and is housed in the /app
folder. Run the backend using this from the root folder:
python run app/manage.py runserver
TODO: Come up with unified controller script for running dev environment for FE and BE.
- Backend - Python/Django + DRF
- Frontend - Vue.js (Proposed)
- Database - PostgreSQL
TODO: Docker setup