
DynamicsWebApi is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Web API helper library for JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

DynamicsWebApi for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web API

Travis Coveralls

DynamicsWebApi is a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web API helper library written in JavaScript. It is compatible with: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016, Dynamics CRM Online.

Please check DynamicsWebApi Wiki where you will find documentation to DynamicsWebApi API and more.

Libraries for browsers can be found in dist folder.

If you feel that this project saved your time and you would like to support it, then please feel free to donate: PayPal.Me

Please check suggestions and contributions section to learn more on how you can help to improve this project.

Important! For some reason, npm was not removing .git folder from a published package, even though it should have done it by default, therefore npm update dynamics-web-api was not working properly. If you see an error during an update of the package, please go to node_modules\dynamics-web-api of your application and remove .git directory manually. This error has been fixed in v.1.4.7.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

DynamicsWebApi as a Dynamics 365 web resource

In order to use DynamicsWebApi inside Dynamics 365 you need to download a browser version of the library, it can be found in dist folder.

Upload a script as a JavaScript Web Resource, place on the entity form or refer to it in your HTML Web Resource and then initialize the main object:

//DynamicsWebApi makes calls to Web API v8.0 if a configuration not set
var dynamicsWebApi = new DynamicsWebApi();

dynamicsWebApi.executeUnboundFunction("WhoAmI").then(function (response) {
    Xrm.Utility.alertDialog('Hello Dynamics 365! My id is: ' + response.UserId);

DynamicsWebApi for Node.js

DynamicsWebApi can be used as Node.js module to access Dynamics 365 Web API using OAuth.

First of all, install a package from NPM:

npm install dynamics-web-api --save

Then include it in your file:

var DynamicsWebApi = require('dynamics-web-api');

At this moment DynamicsWebApi does not fetch authorization tokens, so you will need to acquire OAuth token in your code and pass it to the DynamicsWebApi. Token can be aquired using ADAL for Node.js or you can write your own functionality, as it is described here.

Here is a sample using adal-node:

var DynamicsWebApi = require('dynamics-web-api');
var AuthenticationContext = require('adal-node').AuthenticationContext;

//the following settings should be taken from Azure for your application
//and stored in app settings file or in global variables

//OAuth Token Endpoint
var authorityUrl = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000011/oauth2/token';
//CRM Organization URL
var resource = 'https://myorg.crm.dynamics.com';
//Dynamics 365 Client Id when registered in Azure
var clientId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001';
var username = 'crm-user-name';
var password = 'crm-user-password';

var adalContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUrl);

//add a callback as a parameter for your function
function acquireToken(dynamicsWebApiCallback){
    //a callback for adal-node
    function adalCallback(error, token) {
        if (!error){
            //call DynamicsWebApi callback only when a token has been retrieved
            console.log('Token has not been retrieved. Error: ' + error.stack);

    //call a necessary function in adal-node object to get a token
    adalContext.acquireTokenWithUsernamePassword(resource, username, password, clientId, adalCallback);

//create DynamicsWebApi object
var dynamicsWebApi = new DynamicsWebApi({
    webApiUrl: 'https://myorg.api.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0/',
    onTokenRefresh: acquireToken

//call any function
dynamicsWebApi.executeUnboundFunction("WhoAmI").then(function (response) {
    console.log('Hello Dynamics 365! My id is: ' + response.UserId);


To initialize a new instance of DynamicsWebApi with a configuration object, please use the following code:

Web browser

var dynamicsWebApi = new DynamicsWebApi({ webApiVersion: '9.0' });


var dynamicsWebApi = new DynamicsWebApi({
    webApiUrl: 'https://myorg.api.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0/',
    onTokenRefresh: acquireToken

You can set a configuration dynamically if needed:

//or can be set dynamically
dynamicsWebApi.setConfig({ webApiVersion: '8.2' });

Configuration Parameters

Property Name Type Description
impersonate String A String representing the GUID value for the Dynamics 365 system user id. Impersonates the user.
includeAnnotations String Defaults Prefer header with value "odata.include-annotations=" and the specified annotation. Annotations provide additional information about lookups, options sets and other complex attribute types.
maxPageSize Number Defaults the odata.maxpagesize preference. Use to set the number of entities returned in the response.
onTokenRefresh Function A callback function that triggered when DynamicsWebApi requests a new OAuth token. (At this moment it is done before each call to Dynamics 365, as recommended by Microsoft).
returnRepresentation Boolean Defaults Prefer header with value "return=representation". Use this property to return just created or updated entity in a single request.
timeout Number Sets a number of milliseconds before a request times out.
useEntityNames Boolean v.1.4.0+ Indicates whether to use entity logical names instead of collection logical names during requests.
webApiUrl String A complete URL string to Web API. Example of the URL: "https://myorg.api.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.2/". If it is specified then webApiVersion property will not be used even if it is not empty.
webApiVersion String Version of the Web API. Default version is "8.0".

Configuration property webApiVersion is required only when DynamicsWebApi used inside CRM. Property webApiUrl is required when DynamicsWebApi used externally.

Important! If both configuration properties set then webApiUrl will have a higher priority than webApiVersion, so the last one will be skipped.

Important! Please note, if you are using DynamicsWebApi outside Microsoft Dynamics 365 and set useEntityNames to true the first request to Web Api will fetch LogicalCollectionName and LogicalName from entity metadata for all entities. It does not happen when DynamicsWebApi is used in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Web Resources (there is no additional request, no impact on perfomance).

Request Examples

DynamicsWebApi supports Basic and Advanced calls to Web API.

Basic calls can be made by using functions with the most common input parameters. They are convenient for simple operations as they do not provide all possible ways of interaction with CRM Web API (for example, conditional retrievals are not supported in basic functions).

Basic functions are: create, update, upsert, deleteRecord, retrieve, retrieveMultiple, retrieveAll, count, countAll, executeFetchXml, executeFetchXmlAll, associate, disassociate, associateSingleValued, disassociateSingleValued, executeBoundFunction, executeUnboundFunction, executeBoundAction, executeUnboundAction.

Advanced functions have a suffix Request added to the end of the applicable operation. Most of the functions have a single input parameter which is a request object.

The following table describes all properties that are accepted in this object. Important! Not all operaions accept all properties and if you by mistake specified an invalid property you will receive either an error saying that the request is invalid or the response will not have expected results.

Property Name Type Operation(s) Supported Description
async Boolean All Important! XHR requests only! Indicates whether the requests should be made synchronously or asynchronously. Default value is true (asynchronously).
collection String All The name of the Entity Collection (or Entity Logical name in v1.4.0+).
contentId String createRequest, updateRequest, upsertRequest, deleteRequest v1.5.6+ BATCH REQUESTS ONLY! Sets Content-ID header or references request in a Change Set. More Info
count Boolean retrieveMultipleRequest, retrieveAllRequest Boolean that sets the $count system query option with a value of true to include a count of entities that match the filter criteria up to 5000 (per page). Do not use $top with $count!
duplicateDetection Boolean createRequest, updateRequest, upsertRequest v.1.3.4+ Web API v9+ only! Boolean that enables duplicate detection. More Info
entity Object createRequest, updateRequest, upsertRequest A JavaScript object with properties corresponding to the logical name of entity attributes (exceptions are lookups and single-valued navigation properties).
expand Array retrieveRequest, retrieveMultipleRequest, createRequest, updateRequest, upsertRequest An array of Expand Objects (described below the table) representing the $expand OData System Query Option value to control which related records are also returned.
filter String retrieveRequest, retrieveMultipleRequest, retrieveAllRequest Use the $filter system query option to set criteria for which entities will be returned.
id String retrieveRequest, createRequest, updateRequest, upsertRequest, deleteRequest deprecated in v.1.3.4 Use key field, instead of id. A String representing the Primary Key (GUID) of the record.
ifmatch String retrieveRequest, updateRequest, upsertRequest, deleteRequest Sets If-Match header value that enables to use conditional retrieval or optimistic concurrency in applicable requests. More Info
ifnonematch String retrieveRequest, upsertRequest Sets If-None-Match header value that enables to use conditional retrieval in applicable requests. More Info.
impersonate String All A String representing the GUID value for the Dynamics 365 system user id. Impersonates the user.
includeAnnotations String retrieveRequest, retrieveMultipleRequest, retrieveAllRequest, createRequest, updateRequest, upsertRequest Sets Prefer header with value "odata.include-annotations=" and the specified annotation. Annotations provide additional information about lookups, options sets and other complex attribute types.
key String retrieveRequest, createRequest, updateRequest, upsertRequest, deleteRequest v.1.3.4+ A String representing collection record's Primary Key (GUID) or Alternate Key(s).
maxPageSize Number retrieveMultipleRequest, retrieveAllRequest Sets the odata.maxpagesize preference value to request the number of entities returned in the response.
mergeLabels Boolean updateRequest v.1.4.2+ Metadata Update only! Sets MSCRM.MergeLabels header that controls whether to overwrite the existing labels or merge your new label with any existing language labels. Default value is false. More Info
metadataAttributeType String retrieveRequest, updateRequest v.1.4.3+ Casts the Attributes to a specific type. (Used in requests to Attribute Metadata) More Info
navigationProperty String retrieveRequest, createRequest, updateRequest A String representing the name of a single-valued navigation property. Useful when needed to retrieve information about a related record in a single request.
navigationPropertyKey String retrieveRequest, createRequest, updateRequest v.1.4.3+ A String representing navigation property's Primary Key (GUID) or Alternate Key(s). (For example, to retrieve Attribute Metadata)
noCache Boolean All v.1.4.0+ If set to true, DynamicsWebApi adds a request header Cache-Control: no-cache. Default value is false.
orderBy Array retrieveMultipleRequest, retrieveAllRequest An Array (of Strings) representing the order in which items are returned using the $orderby system query option. Use the asc or desc suffix to specify ascending or descending order respectively. The default is ascending if the suffix isn't applied.
returnRepresentation Boolean createRequest, updateRequest, upsertRequest Sets Prefer header request with value "return=representation". Use this property to return just created or updated entity in a single request.
savedQuery String retrieveRequest A String representing the GUID value of the saved query.
select Array retrieveRequest, retrieveMultipleRequest, retrieveAllRequest, updateRequest, upsertRequest An Array (of Strings) representing the $select OData System Query Option to control which attributes will be returned.
token String All Authorization Token. If set, onTokenRefresh will not be called.
top Number retrieveMultipleRequest, retrieveAllRequest Limit the number of results returned by using the $top system query option. Do not use $top with $count!
userQuery String retrieveRequest A String representing the GUID value of the user query.

Basic and Advanced functions also have differences in expand parameters. For Basic ones this parameter is a type of String while request.expand property is an Array of Expand Objects for Advanced operations. The following table describes Expand Object properties:

Property Name Type Description
filter String Use the $filter system query option to set criteria for which related entities will be returned.
orderBy Array An Array (of Strings) representing the order in which related items are returned using the $orderby system query option. Use the asc or desc suffix to specify ascending or descending order respectively. The default is ascending if the suffix isn't applied.
property String A name of a single-valued navigation property which needs to be expanded.
select Array An Array (of Strings) representing the $select OData System Query Option to control which attributes will be returned.
top Number Limit the number of results returned by using the $top system query option.

The following seems to be fixed: According to CRM developers (here and here $expand does not work for retrieveMultiple requests which is claimed as a bug of CRM Web API. Unconfirmed: Multi-level expands are not implemented yet. This situation may be changed with the future updates in the platform. Please look for the news!

For complex requests to Web API with multi-level expands use executeFetchXml function.

Starting from version 1.2.8, all requests to Web API that have long URLs (more than 2000 characters) are automatically converted to a Batch Request. This feature is very convenient when you make a call with big Fetch XMLs. No special parameters needed to do a convertation.

Create a record

//initialize a CRM entity record object
var lead = {
    subject: "Test WebAPI",
    firstname: "Test",
    lastname: "WebAPI",
    jobtitle: "Title"
//call dynamicsWebApi.create function
dynamicsWebApi.create(lead, "leads").then(function (id) {
    //do something with id here
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch error here

If you need to return just created entity record, add "return=representation" parameter:

//initialize a CRM entity record object
var lead = {
    subject: "Test WebAPI",
    firstname: "Test",
    lastname: "WebAPI",
    jobtitle: "Title"
//call dynamicsWebApi.create function
dynamicsWebApi.create(lead, "leads", ["return=representation"]).then(function (record) {
    //do something with a record here
	var subject = record.subject;
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch error here

Also you can include attribute annotations:

dynamicsWebApi.create(lead, "leads", ["return=representation", "odata.include-annotations=*"]) //...
dynamicsWebApi.create(lead, "leads", "return=representation,odata.include-annotations=*") //...
//and select some attributes from the record
dynamicsWebApi.create(lead, "leads", ["return=representation", "odata.include-annotations=*"], ["subject"]) //...

Advanced using Request Object

//initialize a CRM entity record object
var lead = {
    subject: "Test WebAPI",
    firstname: "Test",
    lastname: "WebAPI",
    jobtitle: "Title"

var request = {
    collection: "leads",
    entity: lead,
    returnRepresentation: true

//call dynamicsWebApi.createRequest function
dynamicsWebApi.createRequest(request).then(function (record) {
    //do something with a record here
	var subject = record.subject;
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch error here

Update a record


//lead id is needed for an update operation
var leadId = '7d577253-3ef0-4a0a-bb7f-8335c2596e70';

//initialize a CRM entity record object
//and specify fields with values that need to be updated
var lead = {
    subject: "Test update",
    jobtitle: "Developer"
//perform an update operation
dynamicsWebApi.update(leadId, "leads", lead).then(function () {
    //do something after a succesful operation
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Advanced using Request Object

var request = {
    key: '7d577253-3ef0-4a0a-bb7f-8335c2596e70',
    collection: "leads",
    entity: {
        subject: "Test update",
        jobtitle: "Developer"
    returnRepresentation: true,
    select: ["fullname"]

dynamicsWebApi.updateRequest(request).then(function (response) {
    var fullname = response.fullname;
    //do something with a fullname of a recently updated entity record
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Update a single property value

//lead id is needed for an update single property operation
var leadId = '7d577253-3ef0-4a0a-bb7f-8335c2596e70';

//initialize key value pair object
var keyValuePair = { subject: "Update Single" };

//perform an update single property operation
dynamicsWebApi.updateSingleProperty(leadId, "leads", keyValuePair).then(function () {
    //do something after a succesful operation
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Upsert a record


//lead id is needed for an upsert operation
var leadId = '7d577253-3ef0-4a0a-bb7f-8335c2596e70';

var lead = {
    subject: "Test Upsert"

//initialize a CRM entity record object
//and specify fields with values that need to be upserted
dynamicsWebApi.upsert(leadId, "leads", lead).then(function (id) {
    //do something with id
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Advanced using Request Object

var leadId = '7d577253-3ef0-4a0a-bb7f-8335c2596e70';

var request = {
    key: leadId,
    collection: "leads",
    returnRepresentation: true,
    select: ["fullname"],
    entity: {
        subject: "Test upsert"
    ifnonematch: "*" //to prevent update

dynamicsWebApi.upsertRequest(request).then(function (record) {
    if (record != null) {
        //record created
    else {
        //update prevented
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Delete a record


//record id is needed to perform a delete operation
var leadId = '7d577253-3ef0-4a0a-bb7f-8335c2596e70';

//perform a delete
dynamicsWebApi.deleteRecord(leadId, "leads").then(function () {
    //do something after a succesful operation
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Advanced using Request Object

//delete with optimistic concurrency
var request = {
    key: recordId,
    collection: "leads",
    ifmatch: 'W/"470867"'

dynamicsWebApi.deleteRequest(request).then(function (isDeleted) {
    if (isDeleted){
        //the record has been deleted
        //the record has not been deleted
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Delete a single property value

//record id is needed to perform a delete of a single property value operation
var leadId = '7d577253-3ef0-4a0a-bb7f-8335c2596e70';

//perform a delete of a single property value
dynamicsWebApi.deleteRecord(leadId, "leads", "subject").then(function () {
    //do something after a succesful operation
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Retrieve a record


var leadId = '7d577253-3ef0-4a0a-bb7f-8335c2596e70';

//perform a retrieve operaion
dynamicsWebApi.retrieve(leadid, "leads", ["fullname", "subject"]).then(function (record) {
    //do something with a record here
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Advanced using Request Object

var request = {
    key: '7d577253-3ef0-4a0a-bb7f-8335c2596e70',
    collection: "leads",
    select: ["fullname", "subject"],

    //ETag value with the If-None-Match header to request data to be retrieved only 
    //if it has changed since the last time it was retrieved.
    ifnonematch: 'W/"468026"',

    //Retrieved record will contain formatted values
    includeAnnotations: "OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue"

dynamicsWebApi.retrieveRequest(request).then(function (record) {
    //do something with a record
.catch(function (error) {
    //if the record has not been found the error will be thrown

Retrieve a reference to related record using a single-valued navigation property

It is possible to retrieve a reference to the related entity (it works both in Basic and Advanced requests): select: ["ownerid/$ref"]. The parameter must be the only one, it must be the name of a single-valued navigation property and it must have a suffix /$ref attached to it. Example:

var leadId = '7d577253-3ef0-4a0a-bb7f-8335c2596e70';

//perform a retrieve operaion
dynamicsWebApi.retrieve(leadid, "leads", ["ownerid/$ref"]).then(function (reference) {
    var ownerId = reference.id;
    var collectionName = reference.collection; // systemusers or teams
}) //.catch ...

Retrieve a related record data using a single-valued navigation property

In order to retrieve a related record by a single-valued navigation property you need to add a prefix "/" to the first element in a select array: select: ["/ownerid", "fullname"]. The first element must be the name of a single-valued navigation property and it must contain a prefix "/"; all other elements in a select array will represent attributes of the related entity. Examples:

var recordId = '7d577253-3ef0-4a0a-bb7f-8335c2596e70';

//perform a retrieve operaion
dynamicsWebApi.retrieve(recordId, "new_tests", ["/new_ParentLead", "fullname", "subject"])
    .then(function (leadRecord) {
        var fullname = leadRecord.fullname;
        //and etc...
    }) //.catch ...

In advanced request you have a choice to specify a request.navigationProperty or use it in the same way as for the Basic function.

var request = {
    key: recordId,
    collection: "new_tests",
    navigationProperty: "new_ParentLead", //use request.navigationProperty
    select: ["fullname", "subject"]


request = {
    key: recordId,
    collection: "new_tests",
    select: ["/new_ParentLead", "fullname", "subject"]    //inline with prefix "/"

dynamicsWebApi.retrieveRequest(request).then(function (leadRecord) {
    var fullname = leadRecord.fullname;
    //and etc...
}) // .catch...

Retrieve multiple records


dynamicsWebApi.retrieveMultiple("leads", ["fullname", "subject"], "statecode eq 0").then(function (records) {
    //do something with retrieved records here
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Advanced using Request Object

//set the request parameters
var request = {
    collection: "leads",
    select: ["fullname", "subject"],
    filter: "statecode eq 0",
    maxPageSize: 5,
    count: true

//perform a multiple records retrieve operation
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveMultipleRequest(request).then(function (response) {
    /// <param name="response" type="DWA.Types.MultipleResponse">Response object</param>

    var count = response.oDataCount;
    var nextLink = response.oDataNextLink;
    var records = response.value;
    //do something else with a records array. Access a record: response.value[0].subject;
.catch(function (error){
    //catch an error

Retrieve All records

The following function retrieves records and goes through all pages automatically.

//perform a multiple records retrieve operation
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveAll("leads", ["fullname", "subject"], "statecode eq 0").then(function (response) {

    var records = response.value;
    //do something else with a records array. Access a record: response.value[0].subject;
.catch(function (error){
    //catch an error

OR advanced function:

//set the request parameters
var request = {
    collection: "leads",
    select: ["fullname", "subject"],
    filter: "statecode eq 0",
    maxPageSize: 5				//just for an example

//perform a multiple records retrieve operation
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveAllRequest(request).then(function (response) {

    var records = response.value;
    //do something else with a records array. Access a record: response.value[0].subject;
.catch(function (error){
    //catch an error


It is possible to count records separately from RetrieveMultiple call. In order to do that use the following snippet:

IMPORTANT! The count value does not represent the total number of entities in the system. It is limited by the maximum number of entities that can be returned.

dynamicsWebApi.count("leads", "statecode eq 0").then(function (count) {
    //do something with count here
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Count limitation workaround

The following function can be used to count all records in a collection. It's a workaround and just counts the number of objects in the array returned in retrieveAllRequest.

dynamicsWebApi.countAll("leads", "statecode eq 0").then(function (count) {
    //do something with count here
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Downside of this workaround is that it does not only return a count number but also all data for records in a collection. In order to make a small optimisation I added the third parameter to the function that can be used to reduce the length of the response. The third parameter represents a select query option.

dynamicsWebApi.countAll("leads", "statecode eq 0", ["subject"]).then(function (count) {
    //do something with count here
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

FYI, in the majority of cases it is better to use Fetch XML aggregation, but take into a consideration that it is also limited to 50000 records by default.


var accountId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001';
var leadId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002';
dynamicsWebApi.associate("accounts", accountId, "lead_parent_account", "leads", leadId).then(function () {
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Associate for a single-valued navigation property

The name of a single-valued navigation property can be retrieved by using a GET request with a header Prefer:odata.include-annotations=Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.associatednavigationproperty, then individual records in the response will contain the property @Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.associatednavigationproperty which is the name of the needed navigation property. Usually it will be equal to a schema name of the entity attribute.

For example, there is an entity with a logical name new_test, it has a lookup attribute to lead entity called new_parentlead and schema name new_ParentLead which is needed single-valued navigation property.

var new_testid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001';
var leadId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002';
dynamicsWebApi.associateSingleValued("new_tests", new_testid, "new_ParentLead", "leads", leadId)
    .then(function () {
    }).catch(function (error) {
        //catch an error


var accountId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001';
var leadId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002';
dynamicsWebApi.disassociate("accounts", accountId, "lead_parent_account", leadId).then(function () {
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Disassociate for a single-valued navigation property

Current request removes a reference to an entity for a single-valued navigation property. The following code snippet uses an example shown in Associate for a single-valued navigation property.

var new_testid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001';
dynamicsWebApi.disassociateSingleValued("new_tests", new_testid, "new_ParentLead").then(function () {
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Fetch XML Request

//build a fetch xml
var fetchXml = '<fetch mapping="logical">' +
                    '<entity name="account">' +
                        '<attribute name="accountid"/>' +
                        '<attribute name="name"/>' +
                    '</entity>' +

dynamicsWebApi.executeFetchXml("accounts", fetchXml).then(function (response) {
    /// <param name="response" type="DWA.Types.FetchXmlResponse">Request response</param>

    //do something with results here; access records response.value[0].accountid 
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Starting from version 1.2.5 DynamicsWebApi has an alias with a shorter name and same parameters: dynamicsWebApi.fetch(...), that works in the same way as executeFetchXml.


//build a fetch xml
var fetchXml = '<fetch mapping="logical">' +
                    '<entity name="account">' +
                        '<attribute name="accountid"/>' +
                        '<attribute name="name"/>' +
                    '</entity>' +

dynamicsWebApi.executeFetchXml("accounts", fetchXml).then(function (response) {
    /// <param name="response" type="DWA.Types.FetchXmlResponse">Request response</param>
    //do something with results here; access records response.value[0].accountid

    return dynamicsWebApi
        .executeFetchXml("accounts", fetchXml, null, response.PagingInfo.nextPage, response.PagingInfo.cookie);
}).then(function (response) {
    /// <param name="response" type="DWA.Types.FetchXmlResponse">Request response</param>
    //page 2
    //do something with results here; access records response.value[0].accountid

    return dynamicsWebApi
        .executeFetchXml("accounts", fetchXml, null, response.PagingInfo.nextPage, response.PagingInfo.cookie);
}).then(function (response) {
    /// <param name="response" type="DWA.Types.FetchXmlResponse">Request response</param>
    //page 3
    //and so on... or use a loop.

Fetch All records

The following function executes a FetchXml and goes through all pages automatically:

var fetchXml = '<fetch mapping="logical">' +
                    '<entity name="account">' +
                        '<attribute name="accountid"/>' +
                        '<attribute name="name"/>' +
                    '</entity>' +

dynamicsWebApi.executeFetchXmlAll("accounts", fetchXml).then(function (response) {
    //do something with results here; access records response.value[0].accountid

Starting from version 1.2.5 DynamicsWebApi has an alias with a shorter name and same parameters: dynamicsWebApi.fetchAll(...), that works in the same way as executeFetchXmlAll.

Execute Web API functions

Bound functions

var teamId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001";
dynamicsWebApi.executeBoundFunction(teamId, "teams", "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.RetrieveTeamPrivileges")
    .then(function (response) {
        //do something with a response
    }).catch(function (error) {
        //catch an error

Unbound functions

var parameters = {
    LocalizedStandardName: 'Pacific Standard Time',
    LocaleId: 1033
dynamicsWebApi.executeUnboundFunction("GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName", parameters).then(function (result) {
    var timeZoneCode = result.TimeZoneCode;
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Execute Web API actions

Bound actions

var queueId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001";
var letterActivityId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002";
var actionRequest = {
    Target: {
        activityid: letterActivityId,
        "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.letter"
dynamicsWebApi.executeBoundAction(queueId, "queues", "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.AddToQueue", actionRequest)
    .then(function (result) {
        var queueItemId = result.QueueItemId;
    .catch(function (error) {
        //catch an error

Unbound actions

var opportunityId = "b3828ac8-917a-e511-80d2-00155d2a68d2";
var actionRequest = {
    Status: 3,
    OpportunityClose: {
        subject: "Won Opportunity",

        //DynamicsWebApi will add full url if the property contains @odata.bind suffix
        //but it is also possible to specify a full url to the entity record
        "opportunityid@odata.bind": "opportunities(" + opportunityId + ")"
dynamicsWebApi.executeUnboundAction("WinOpportunity", actionRequest).then(function () {
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Execute Batch Operations

version 1.5.0+

Batch requests bundle multiple operations into a single one and have the following advantages:

  • Reduces a number of requests sent to the Web API server. Each user is allowed up to 60,000 API requests, per organization instance, within five minute sliding interval. More Info
  • Provides a way to run multiple operations in a single transaction. If any operation that changes data (within a single changeset) fails all completed ones will be rolled back.
  • All operations within a batch request run consequently (FIFO).

DynamicsWebApi provides a straightforward way to execute Batch operations which may not always simple to compose. The following example bundles 2 retrieve multiple operations and an update:

//when you want to start a batch operation call the following function:
//it is important to call it, otherwise all operations below will be executed right away.

//call necessary operations just like you would normally do.
//these calls will be converted into a single batch request
dynamicsWebApi.update('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002', 'contacts', { firstname: "Test", lastname: "Batch!" });

//execute a batch request:
    .then(function (responses) {
        //'responses' is an array of responses of each individual request
        //they have the same sequence as the calls between startBatch() and executeBatch()
        //in this case responses.length is 3

        //dynamicsWebApi.retrieveMultiple response:
        var accounts = responses[0];
        //dynamicsWebApi.update response
        var isUpdated = responses[1]; //should be 'true'
        //dynamicsWebApi.retrieveMultiple response:
        var contacts = responses[2]; //will contain an updated contact

    }).catch(function (error) {
        //catch error here

The next example shows how to run multiple operations in a single transaction which means if at least one operation fails all completed ones will be rolled back which ensures a data consistency.

//for example, a user did a checkout and we need to create two orders

var order1 = {
    name: '1 year membership',
    'customerid_contact@odata.bind': 'contacts(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001)'

var order2 = {
    name: 'book',
    'customerid_contact@odata.bind': 'contacts(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001)'


dynamicsWebApi.create(order1, 'salesorders');
dynamicsWebApi.create(order2, 'salesorders');

dynamicsWebApi.executeBatch().then(function (responses) {
    var salesorderId1 = responses[0];
    var salesorderId2 = responses[1];
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch error here
    //all completed operations will be rolled back
    alert('Cannot complete a checkout. Please try again later.');

Important! Developers who use DynamicsWebApi with callbacks do not need to pass successCallback and errorCallback in an individual operation when startBatch() is called, just pass null if you need to add additional parameters in the request, for example: dynamicsWebApi.deleteRecord('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001', 'contacts', null, null, 'firstname').

Use Content-ID to reference requests in a Change Set

version 1.5.6+

You can reference a request in a Change Set. For example, if you want to create related entities in a single batch request:

var order = {
    name: '1 year membership'

var contact = {
    firstname: 'John',
    lastname: 'Doe'

dynamicsWebApi.createRequest({ entity: order, collection: 'salesorders', contentId: '1' });
dynamicsWebApi.createRequest({ entity: contact, collection: 'customerid_contact', contentId: '$1' });

    .then(function (responses) {
        var salesorderId = responses[0];
        //responses[1]; is undefined <- CRM Web API limitation
    }).catch(function (error) {
        //catch error here

Note that the second response does not have a returned value, it is a CRM Web API limitation.

Important! DynamicsWebApi automatically assigns value to a Content-ID if it is not provided, therefore, please set your Content-ID value less than 100000.

Use Content-ID inside a request payload

version 1.5.7+

Another option to make the same request is to use Content-ID reference inside a request payload as following:

var contact = {
    firstname: 'John',
    lastname: 'Doe'

var order = {
    name: '1 year membership',
    //reference a request in a navigation property
    'customerid_contact@odata.bind': '$1'

dynamicsWebApi.createRequest({ entity: contact, collection: 'contacts', contentId: '1' });
dynamicsWebApi.createRequest({ entity: order, collection: 'salesorders' });

    .then(function (responses) {
        //in this case both ids exist in a response
        //which makes it a preferred method
        var contactId = responses[0];
        var salesorderId = responses[1];
    }).catch(function (error) {
        //catch error here


Currently, there are some limitations in DynamicsWebApi Batch Operations:

  • Operations that use pagination to recursively retrieve all records cannot be used in a 'batch mode'. These include: retrieveAll, retrieveAllRequest, countAll, fetchAll, executeFetchXmlAll. You will get an error saying that the operation is incompatible with a 'batch mode'.
  • The following limitation is for external applications (working outside D365 CE forms). useEntityNames may not work in a 'batch mode' if it is set to true. To make sure that it works, please execute any operation before calling dynamicsWebApi.startBatch() so that it caches all entity names, for example: dynamicsWebApi.count('account').

There are also out of the box Web API limitations for batch operations:

  • Batch requests can contain up to 100 individual requests and cannot contain other batch requests.
  • The odata.continue-on-error preference is not supported by the Web API. Any error that occurs in the batch will stop the processing of the remainder of the batch.

You can find an official documentation that covers Web API batch requests here: Execute batch operations using the Web API.

Working with Metadata Definitions

Version 1.4.3+

Before working with metadata read the following section from Microsoft Documentation.

Create Entity

var entityDefinition = {
    "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.EntityMetadata",
    "Attributes": [
        "AttributeType": "String",
        "AttributeTypeName": {
            "Value": "StringType"
        "Description": {
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
            "LocalizedLabels": [{
                "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
                "Label": "Type the name of the bank account",
                "LanguageCode": 1033
        "DisplayName": {
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
            "LocalizedLabels": [{
                "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
                "Label": "Account Name",
                "LanguageCode": 1033
        "IsPrimaryName": true,
        "RequiredLevel": {
            "Value": "None",
            "CanBeChanged": true,
            "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifyrequirementlevelsettings"
        "SchemaName": "new_AccountName",
        "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.StringAttributeMetadata",
        "FormatName": {
            "Value": "Text"
        "MaxLength": 100
    "Description": {
        "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
        "LocalizedLabels": [{
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
            "Label": "An entity to store information about customer bank accounts",
            "LanguageCode": 1033
    "DisplayCollectionName": {
        "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
        "LocalizedLabels": [{
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
            "Label": "Bank Accounts",
            "LanguageCode": 1033
    "DisplayName": {
        "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
        "LocalizedLabels": [{
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
            "Label": "Bank Account",
            "LanguageCode": 1033
    "HasActivities": false,
    "HasNotes": false,
    "IsActivity": false,
    "OwnershipType": "UserOwned",
    "SchemaName": "new_BankAccount"

    //entityId is newly created entity id (MetadataId)
    //catch an error

Retrieve Entity

Entity Metadata can be retrieved by either Primary Key (MetadataId) or by an Alternate Key (LogicalName). More Info

var entityKey = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001';
//or you can use an alternate key:
//var entityKey = "LogicalName='new_accountname'";
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveEntity(entityKey, ['SchemaName', 'LogicalName']).then(function(entityMetadata){
    var schemaName = entityMetadata.SchemaName;
    //catch an error

Update Entity

Microsoft recommends to make changes in the entity metadata that has been priorly retrieved to avoid any mistake. I would also recommend to read information about MSCRM.MergeLabels header prior updating metadata. More information about the header can be found here.

Important! Make sure you set MetadataId property when you update the metadata, DynamicsWebApi use it as a primary key for the EntityDefinition record.

var entityKey = "LogicalName='new_accountname'";
    //1. change label
    entityMetadata.DispalyName.LocalizedLabels[0].Label = 'New Bank Account';
    //2. update metadata
    return dynamicsWebApi.updateEntity(entityMetadata);
    //catch an error

Important! When you update an entity, you must publish changes in CRM. More Info

Retrieve Multiple Entities

dynamicsWebApi.retrieveEntities(['LogicalName'], "OwnershipType eq Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.OwnershipTypes'UserOwned'").then(function(response){
    var firstLogicalName = response.value[0].LogicalName;
    //catch an error

Create Attribute

var entityKey = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001';
var attributeDefinition = {
    "AttributeType": "Money",
    "AttributeTypeName": {
        "Value": "MoneyType"
    "Description": {
        "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
        "LocalizedLabels": [{
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
            "Label": "Enter the balance amount",
            "LanguageCode": 1033
    "DisplayName": {
        "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
        "LocalizedLabels": [{
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
            "Label": "Balance",
            "LanguageCode": 1033
    "RequiredLevel": {
        "Value": "None",
        "CanBeChanged": true,
        "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifyrequirementlevelsettings"
    "SchemaName": "new_Balance",
    "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.MoneyAttributeMetadata",
    "PrecisionSource": 2

dynamicsWebApi.createAttribute(entityKey, attributeDefinition).then(function(attributeId){
    //attributeId is a PrimaryKey (MetadataId) for newly created attribute
    //catch an error

Retrieve Attribute

Attribute Metadata can be retrieved by either Primary Key (MetadataId) or by an Alternate Key (LogicalName). More Info

The following example will retrieve only common properties available in AttributeMetadata entity.

var entityKey = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001';
//or you can use an alternate key:
//var entityKey = "LogicalName='new_accountname'";
var attributeKey = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002';
//or you can use an alternate key:
//var attributeKey = "LogicalName='new_balance'";
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveAttribute(entityKey, attributeKey, ['SchemaName']).then(function(attributeMetadata){
    var schemaName = attributeMetadata.SchemaName;
    //catch an error

Use parameter in the function to cast the attribute to a specific type.

var entityKey = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001';
var attributeKey = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002';
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveAttribute(entityKey, attributeKey, ['SchemaName'], 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.MoneyAttributeMetadata')
        var schemaName = attributeMetadata.SchemaName;
        //catch an error

Update Attribute

Important! Make sure you set MetadataId property when you update the metadata, DynamicsWebApi use it as a primary key for the EntityDefinition record.

The following example will update only common properties availible in AttributeMetadata entity. If you need to update specific properties of Attributes with type that inherit from the AttributeMetadata you will need to cast the attribute to the specific type. More Info

var entityKey = "LogicalName='new_accountname'";
var attributeKey = "LogicalName='new_balance'";
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveAttribute(entityKey, attributeKey).then(function(attributeMetadata){
    //1. change label
    attributeMetadata.DispalyName.LocalizedLabels[0].Label = 'New Balance';
    //2. update metadata
    return dynamicsWebApi.updateAttribute(entityKey, attributeMetadata);
    //catch an error

To cast a property to a specific type use a parameter in the function.

var entityKey = "LogicalName='new_accountname'";
var attributeKey = "LogicalName='new_balance'";
var attributeType = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.MoneyAttributeMetadata';
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveAttribute(entityKey, attributeKey, attributeType).then(function(attributeMetadata){
    //1. change label
    attributeMetadata.DispalyName.LocalizedLabels[0].Label = 'New Balance';
    //2. update metadata
    return dynamicsWebApi.updateAttribute(entityKey, attributeMetadata, attributeType);
    //catch an error

Important! Make sure you include the attribute type in the update function as well.

Important! When you update an attribute, you must publish changes in CRM. More Info

Retrieve Multiple Attributes

The following example will retrieve only common properties available in AttributeMetadata entity.

var entityKey = "LogicalName='new_accountname'";
    var firstAttribute = response.value[0];
    //catch an error

To retrieve only attributes of a specific type use a parameter in a function:

var entityKey = "LogicalName='new_accountname'";
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveAttributes(entityKey, 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.MoneyAttributeMetadata').then(function(response){
    var firstAttribute = response.value[0];
    //catch an error

Use requests to query Entity and Attribute metadata

You can also use common request functions to create, retrieve and update entity and attribute metadata. Just use the following rules:

  1. Always set collection: 'EntityDefinitions'.
  2. To retrieve a specific entity metadata by a Primary or Alternate Key use key property. For example: key: 'LogicalName="account"'.
  3. To get attributes, set navigationProperty: 'Attributes'.
  4. To retrieve a specific attribute metadata by Primary or Alternate Key use navigationPropertyKey. For example: navigationPropertyKey: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002'.
  5. During entity or attribute metadata update you can use mergeLabels property to set MSCRM.MergeLabels attribute. By default mergeLabels: false.
  6. To send entity or attribute definition use entity property.


Retrieve entity metadata with attributes (with common properties):

var request = {
    collection: 'EntityDefinitions',
    key: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001',
    select: ['LogicalName', 'SchemaName'],
    expand: 'Attributes'

    var attributes = entityMetadata.Attributes;
    //catch an error

Retrieve attribute metadata and cast it to the StringType:

var request = {
    collection: 'EntityDefinitions',
    key: 'LogicalName="account"',
    navigationProperty: 'Attributes',
    navigationPropertyKey: 'LogicalName="firstname"',
    metadataAttributeType: 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.StringAttributeMetadata'

    var displayNameDefaultLabel = attributeMetadata.DisplayName.LocalizedLabels[0].Label;
    //catch an error

Update entity metadata with MSCRM.MergeLabels header set to true:

var request = {
    collection: 'EntityDefinitions',
    key: 'LogicalName="account"'

    //1. change label
    entityMetadata.DisplayName.LocalizedLabels[0].Label = 'Organization';
    //2. configure update request
    var updateRequest = {
        collection: 'EntityDefinitions',
        key: entityMetadata.MetadataId,
        mergeLabels: true,
        entity: entityMetadata
    //3. call update request
    return dynamicsWebApi.updateRequest(updateRequest);
    //catch an error

//it is the same as:
    //1. change label
    entityMetadata.DisplayName.LocalizedLabels[0].Label = 'Organization';
    //2. call update request
    return dynamicsWebApi.updateEntity(entityMetadata, true);
    //catch an error

Create Relationship

var newRelationship = {
    "SchemaName": "dwa_contact_dwa_dynamicswebapitest",
    "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.OneToManyRelationshipMetadata",
    "AssociatedMenuConfiguration": {
        "Behavior": "UseCollectionName",
        "Group": "Details",
        "Label": {
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
            "LocalizedLabels": [
                 "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
                 "Label": "DWA Test",
                 "LanguageCode": 1033
            "UserLocalizedLabel": {
                "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
                "Label": "DWA Test",
                "LanguageCode": 1033
        "Order": 10000
    "CascadeConfiguration": {
        "Assign": "Cascade",
        "Delete": "Cascade",
        "Merge": "Cascade",
        "Reparent": "Cascade",
        "Share": "Cascade",
        "Unshare": "Cascade"
    "ReferencedAttribute": "contactid",
    "ReferencedEntity": "contact",
    "ReferencingEntity": "dwa_dynamicswebapitest",
    "Lookup": {
        "AttributeType": "Lookup",
        "AttributeTypeName": {
            "Value": "LookupType"
        "Description": {
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
            "LocalizedLabels": [
                 "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
                 "Label": "The owner of the test",
                 "LanguageCode": 1033
            "UserLocalizedLabel": {
                "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
                "Label": "The owner of the test",
                "LanguageCode": 1033
        "DisplayName": {
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
            "LocalizedLabels": [
                 "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
                 "Label": "DWA Test Owner",
                 "LanguageCode": 1033
            "UserLocalizedLabel": {
                "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
                "Label": "DWA Test Owner",
                "LanguageCode": 1033
        "RequiredLevel": {
            "Value": "ApplicationRequired",
            "CanBeChanged": true,
            "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifyrequirementlevelsettings"
        "SchemaName": "dwa_TestOwner",
        "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LookupAttributeMetadata"

dynamicsWebApi.createRelationship(newRelationship).then(function (relationshipId) {
    //relationshipId is a PrimaryKey (MetadataId) for a newly created relationship
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch errors

Update Relationship

Important! Make sure you set MetadataId property when you update the metadata, DynamicsWebApi use it as a primary key for the EntityDefinition record.

var metadataId = '10cb680e-b6a7-e811-816a-480fcfe97e21';

dynamicsWebApi.retrieveRelationship(metadataId).then(function (relationship) {
    relationship.AssociatedMenuConfiguration.Label.LocalizedLabels[0].Label = "New Label";
    return dynamicsWebApi.updateRelationship(relationship);
}).then(function (updateResponse) {
    //check update response
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch errors

Delete Relationship

var metadataId = '10cb680e-b6a7-e811-816a-480fcfe97e21';

dynamicsWebApi.deleteRelationship(metadataId).then(function (isDeleted) {
    //isDeleted should be true
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch errors

Retrieve Relationship

var metadataId = '10cb680e-b6a7-e811-816a-480fcfe97e21';

dynamicsWebApi.retrieveRelationship(metadataId).then(function (relationship) {
    //work with a retrieved relationship
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch errors

You can also cast a relationship into a specific type:

var metadataId = '10cb680e-b6a7-e811-816a-480fcfe97e21';
var relationshipType = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.OneToManyRelationshipMetadata';
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveRelationship(metadataId, relationshipType).then(function (relationship) {
    //work with a retrieved relationship
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch errors

Retrieve Multiple Relationships

dynamicsWebApi.retrieveRelationships(['SchemaName', 'MetadataId'], "ReferencedEntity eq 'account'")
.then(function (relationship) {
    //work with a retrieved relationship
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch errors

Create Global Option Set

version 1.4.6+

var optionSetDefinition = {
    "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.OptionSetMetadata",
    IsCustomOptionSet: true,
    IsGlobal: true,
    IsManaged: false,
    Name: "new_customglobaloptionset",
    OptionSetType: "Picklist",
    Options: [{
        Value: 0,
        Label: {
            LocalizedLabels: [{
                Label: "Label 1", LanguageCode: 1033
            UserLocalizedLabel: {
                Label: "Label 1", LanguageCode: 1033
        Description: {
            LocalizedLabels: [],
            UserLocalizedLabel: null
    }, {
        Value: 1,
        Label: {
            LocalizedLabels: [{
                Label: "Label 2", LanguageCode: 1033
            UserLocalizedLabel: {
                Label: "Label 2", LanguageCode: 1033
        Description: {
            LocalizedLabels: [],
            UserLocalizedLabel: null
    Description: {
        LocalizedLabels: [{
            Label: "Description to the Global Option Set.", LanguageCode: 1033
        UserLocalizedLabel: {
            Label: "Description to the Global Option Set.", LanguageCode: 1033
    DisplayName: {
        LocalizedLabels: [{
            Label: "Display name to the Custom Global Option Set.", LanguageCode: 1033
        UserLocalizedLabel: {
            Label: "Display name to the Custom Global Option Set.", LanguageCode: 1033
    IsCustomizable: {
        Value: true, "CanBeChanged": true, ManagedPropertyLogicalName: "iscustomizable"

dynamicsWebApi.createGlobalOptionSet(optionSetDefinition).then(function (id) {
    //metadata id
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch error here

Update Global Option Set

version 1.4.6+

Important! Publish your changes after update, otherwise a label won't be modified.

var key = '6e133d25-abd1-e811-816e-480fcfeab9c1';
key = "Name='new_customglobaloptionset'";

dynamicsWebApi.retrieveGlobalOptionSet(key).then(function (response) {
    response.DisplayName.LocalizedLabels[0].Label = "Updated Display name to the Custom Global Option Set.";
    return dynamicsWebApi.updateGlobalOptionSet(response);
}).then(function (response) {
    //check if it was updated
}).catch (function (error) {
    //catch error here

Delete Global Option Set

version 1.4.6+

var key = '6e133d25-abd1-e811-816e-480fcfeab9c1';
key = "Name='new_customglobaloptionset'";

dynamicsWebApi.deleteGlobalOptionSet(key).then(function (response) {
    //check if it was deleted
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch error here

Retrieve Global Option Set

version 1.4.6+

var key = '6e133d25-abd1-e811-816e-480fcfeab9c1';
key = "Name='new_customglobaloptionset'";

dynamicsWebApi.retrieveGlobalOptionSet(key).then(function (response) {
}).catch (function (error) {
    //catch error here

//select specific attributes
//select specific attributes
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveGlobalOptionSet(key, null, ['Name']).then(function (response) {
}).catch (function (error) {
    //catch error here

//Options attribute exists only in OptionSetMetadata, therefore we need to cast to it
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveGlobalOptionSet(key, 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.OptionSetMetadata', ['Name', 'Options']).then(function (response) {
}).catch (function (error) {
    //catch error here

Retrieve Multiple Global Option Sets

version 1.4.6+

dynamicsWebApi.retrieveGlobalOptionSets().then(function (response) {
	var optionSet = response.value[0]; //first global option set
}).catch (function (error) {
    //catch error here

//select specific attributes
dynamicsWebApi.retrieveGlobalOptionSets('Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.OptionSetMetadata', ['Name', 'Options']).then(function (response) {
	var optionSet = response.value[0]; //first global option set
}).catch (function (error) {
    //catch error here

Formatted Values and Lookup Properties

Starting from version 1.3.0 it became easier to access formatted values for properties and lookup data in response objects. DynamicsWebApi automatically creates aliases for each property that contains a formatted value or lookup data. For example:

//before v.1.3.0 a formatted value for account.donotpostalmail field could be accessed as following:
var doNotPostEmailFormatted = response['donotpostalmail@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue'];

//starting with v.1.3.0 it can be simplified
doNotPostEmailFormatted = response.donotpostalmail_Formatted;

//same for lookup data
//before v.1.3.0
var customerName = response['_customerid_value@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue'];
var customerEntityLogicalName = response['_customerid_value@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.lookuplogicalname'];
var customerNavigationProperty = response['_customerid_value@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.associatednavigationproperty'];

//starting with v.1.3.0
customerName = response._customerid_value_Formatted;
customerEntityLogicalName = response._customerid_value_LogicalName;
customerNavigationProperty = response._customerid_value_NavigationProperty;

If you still want to use old properties you can do so, they are not removed from the response, so it does not break your existing functionality.

As you have already noticed formatted and lookup data values are accesed by adding a particular suffix to a property name, the following table summarizes it.

OData Annotation Property Suffix
@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue _Formatted
@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.lookuplogicalname _LogicalName
@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.associatednavigationproperty _NavigationProperty

Using Alternate Keys

Starting from version 1.3.4, you can use alternate keys to Update, Upsert, Retrieve and Delete records. More Info

Basic usage

var alternateKey = "key='keyValue'"; 
//or var alternateKey = "key='keyValue',anotherKey='keyValue2'";

//perform a retrieve operaion
dynamicsWebApi.retrieve(alternateKey, "leads", ["fullname", "subject"]).then(function (record) {
    //do something with a record here
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

Advanced using Request Object

Please use key instead of id for all requests that you make using DynamicsWebApi starting from v.1.3.4.

Please note, that id field is not removed from the library, so all your existing scripts will work without any issue.

var request = {
    key: "alternateKey='keyValue'",
    collection: 'leads',
    select: ['fullname', 'subject']

dynamicsWebApi.retrieveRequest(request).then(function (record) {
    //do something with a record
.catch(function (error) {
    //if the record has not been found the error will be thrown

key can be used as a primary key (id):

var request = {
    key: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001',
    collection: 'leads',
    select: ['fullname', 'subject']

dynamicsWebApi.retrieveRequest(request).then(function (record) {
    //do something with a record
.catch(function (error) {
    //if the record has not been found the error will be thrown

Making requests using Entity Logical Names

Starting from version 1.4.0, it is possible to make requests using Entity Logical Names (for example: account, instead of accounts). There's a small perfomance impact when this feature is used outside CRM/D365 Web Resources: DynamicsWebApi makes a request to Entity Metadata and retrieves LogicalCollectionName and LogicalName for all entities during the first call to Web Api on the page.

To enable this feature set useEntityNames: true in DynamicsWebApi config.

var dynamicsWebApi = new DynamicsWebApi({ useEntityNames: true });

//make request using entity names
dynamicsWebApi.retrieve(leadId, 'lead', ['fullname', 'subject']).then(function (record) {
    //do something with a record here
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

//this will also work in request functions, even though the name of the property is a collection

var request = {
    collection: 'lead',
    key: leadId,
    select:  ['fullname', 'subject']

dynamicsWebApi.retrieveRequest(request).then(function (record) {
    //do something with a record here
.catch(function (error) {
    //catch an error

This feature also applies when you set a navigation property and provide an entity name in the value:

var account = {
    name: 'account name',
   'primarycontactid@odata.bind': 'contact(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001)'

dynamicsWebApi.create(account, 'account').then(function(accountId)){
    //newly created accountId
}).catch(function (error) {
    //catch error here

In the example above, entity names will be replaced with collection names: contact with contacts, account with accounts. This happens, because DynamicsWebApi automatically checks all properties that end with @odata.bind or @odata.id. Thus, there may be a case when those properties are not used but you still need a collection name instead of an entity name. Please use the following method to get a collection name from a cached entity metadata:

//IMPORTANT! collectionName will be null if there was no call to Web API prior to that
//this restriction does not apply if DynamicsWebApi used inside CRM/D365
var collectionName = dynamicsWebApi.utility.getCollectionName('account');

Please note, everything said above will happen only if you set useEntityNames: true in the DynamicsWebApi config.

Using TypeScript Declaration Files

TypeScript declaration files d.ts added with v.1.5.3. If you are not familiar with declaration files, these files are used to provide TypeScript type information about an API that's written in JavaScript. You want to consume those from your TypeScript code. Quote

At this moment, DynamicsWebApi declaration files do not exist in a DefinitelyTyped repository but it is in my plans to upload them there.


If you are using Node.Js with TypeScript, declarations will be fetched with an NPM package during an installation or an update process. At the top of a necessary .ts file add the following:

import * as DynamicsWebApi from "dynamics-web-api";
//for CommonJS:
//import DynamicsWebApi = require("dynamics-web-api");

Dynamics 365 web resource

If you are developing CRM Web Resources with TypeScript, you will need to download a necessary d.ts file manually from the following folder: types. As you may have noticed types folder contains two declaration files: dynamics-web-api.d.ts (Promises) and dynamics-web-api-callbacks.d.ts (Callbacks) - download the one that you need. Do not download both files! Otherwise you will have type declaration conflicts. In my web resources project I usually put a declaration file under "./types/" folder. For example:

[project root]/
-- src/
  -- form_web_resource.ts
-- types/
  -- dynamics-web-api/
    -- dynamics-web-api-callbacks.d.ts
-- tsconfig.json

Important! Make sure that you include types folder in your tsconfig.json:

"include": [

In Progress

  • Overloaded functions with rich request options for all Web API operations.
  • Get all pages requests, such as: countAll, retrieveMultipleAll, fetchXmlAll and etc. Implemented in v.1.2.5
  • Web API requests that have long URL (more than 2000 characters) should be automatically converted to batch requests. Feature is very convenient for big Fetch XMLs. Implemented in v.1.2.8
  • "Formatted" values in responses. For instance: Web API splits information about lookup fields into separate properties, the config option "formatted" will enable developers to retrieve all information about such fields in a single requests and access it through DynamicsWebApi custom response objects.
  • Simplified names for "Formatted" properties. Implemented in v.1.3.0
  • RUD operations using Alternate Keys. Implemented in v.1.3.4
  • Duplicate Detection for Web API v.9. Implemented in v.1.3.4
  • Ability to use entity names instead of collection names. Implemented in v.1.4.0
  • Entity and Attribute Metadata helpers. Implemented in v.1.4.3
  • Entity Relationships and Global Option Sets helpers. Implemented in v.1.4.6
  • Batch requests. Implemented in v.1.5.0
  • TypeScript declaration files d.ts Added in v.1.5.3.
  • Implement Content-ID header to reference a request in a Change Set in a batch operation Added in v.1.5.6.
  • Upload DynamicsWebApi declaration files to DefinitelyTyped repository.

Many more features to come!

Thank you for your patience and for using DynamcisWebApi!

JavaScript Promises

Please use the following library that implements ES6 Promises: DynamicsWebApi with Promises.

It is highly recommended to use one of the Promise Polyfills (Yaku, ES6 Promise and etc.) if DynamicsWebApi is intended to be used in the browsers.

JavaScript Callbacks

Please use the following library that implements Callbacks : DynamicsWebApi with Callbacks.


First of all, I would like to thank you for using DynamicsWebApi library in your Dynamics 365 CE project, the fact that my project helps someone to achieve their development goals already makes me happy.

And if you would like to contribute to the project you may do it in multiple ways:

  1. Submit an issue/bug if you have encountered one.
  2. If you know the root of the issue please feel free to submit a pull request, just make sure that all tests pass and if the fix needs new unit tests, please add one.
  3. Let me and community know if you have any ideas or suggestions on how to improve the project by submitting an issue on GitHub, I will label it as a 'future enhancement'.
  4. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and if you wish to let me know how you use DynamicsWebApi and what project you are working on, I will be happy to hear about it.
  5. If you feel that this project saved your time and you would like to support it, then please feel free to donate: PayPal.Me

Any contribution is greatly appreciated!