
Welcome to Ethiopia COVID-19 Response Task Force Community

Welcome to the Ethiopian COVID-19 Response Task Force Community

The COVID-19 virus is spreading across the world like a wildfire and Ethiopia has reported the first case on March 13, 2020.

We know from publicly available data, if not urgent containment strategies implemented, the virus can quickly get out of hand like in Wuhan, China, Italy, Spain, and the US. The evidence shows aggressive containment works like in South Korea and other provinces in China where the number of cases and deaths were kept at bay.

Current projections, if left to its own devices, Ethiopia is roughly 19 - 23 days from reporting the 100th case and roughly 42 days behind Italy, which is considered the worst-case scenario.

We need an army of tech volunteers to help the Ethiopian Ministry of Health collect, analyze and report to the agency so that we can assist them in the time of need.

What can I do?

  1. Sign up to volunteer.

  2. Join our public Slack channel

  3. Attend our daily conference call (TBD)

What has been done so far?

We are in the early stages of this effort and we welcome your ideas. Share it on the Slack channel or by creating issues