
(Vagrant | VPS) + Puppet => Ruby + Postgresql + Nginx

Primary LanguagePuppetMIT LicenseMIT

Basic Puppet Template for a basic Ruby + PostgreSQL + Nginx stack

These puppet manifests are intended to be a starting point for using Ruby, with PostgreSQL and Nginx.

Some of my projects no longer seem to fit neatly into the Heroku's offerings, so I decided to migrate them to VPS services like Linode, Digital Ocean or others that offer SSH access. This saves on cost and increases control of deployment.

Clearly, as applications grow this will certainly need to be customized, but for new projects this should hopefully prevent you from having to reinvent the wheel. My goal with this is to make it easy to host one or more rails applications on the same server while minimizing lock-in to a given provider, while refactoring sensitive information so that it can easily stay outside of source control.

This project should also help with setting up Vagrant for development, which will alleviate the problems that arise from collaborators using different development environments.

If you've ever heard someone say, "your code doesn't work on my computer," then you know what I'm talking about.

Quick start guide for development

  • Install Virtual Box
  • Install Vagrant using the installer. Previously you could install it as a rubygem, but that behavior has since been deprecated. Go to the website. This was built with version 1.3.5.
  • Clone this repository with git clone git@github.com:cyrusstoller/gardenbed.git
  • cd into the cloned repository
  • Run the following command
$> scripts/bootstrap.sh development
  • Warning During this initial provisioning your CPU will be very busy. Close any unnecessary applications. Web browsers especially. This process will take a while. Don't worry about some error messages on during this initial run. Just let it keep going until you have your command prompt back. Go get some coffee and come back in a half hour.
  • Everything in this the gardenbed directory will be accessible from your virtual machine at /vagrant. In other words your files will be both on your virtual machine and on your host machine, meaning you can continue to use your favorite text editor and maintain a similar workflow without having to worry about system dependencies.
  • SSH into your machine with:
$> vagrant ssh
  • Then go to your project directory in /vagrant and bundle install and bundle exec rails s or bundle exec foreman start and you should be good to go.
  • Your website should be viewable at http://localhost:3000 or http://localhost:5000 depending on how your application is configured.

What's been configured

  • rbenv with ruby v2.0.0-p353 installed
  • postgresql version 9.3.1+ with role/username vagrant with password foobar and encoding UTF8 and locale en_US.UTF-8.
  • nodejs needed for the asset pipeline

Getting started for staging / mock-production

  • Install Virtual Box
  • Install Vagrant using the installer. Previously you could install it as a rubygem, but that behavior has since been deprecated. Go to the website. This was built with version 1.3.5.
  • Clone this repository with git clone git@github.com:cyrusstoller/gardenbed.git
  • cd into the cloned repository
  • cp hiera/common.yaml.example hiera/common.yaml
  • Go to https://github.com/<<GITHUB_USERNAME>>.keys and copy your SSH key into the last line of your hiera/common.yaml
  • Run the following command
$> scripts/bootstrap.sh staging
  • This configures a deployer user that has you can SSH into using:
$> ssh deployer@

What's been configured

The hiera/common.yaml makes it really easy to provision more system users, create more roles and databases for postgresql, and install more rubies. See below for more details.


If you've never used Vagrant before, go check out: http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/

Here's an old Railscasts episode that explains many of the steps that this project is helping you bypass.

Other operating systems

If you are interested in using a non-debian-based box, I suggest checking out: http://www.vagrantbox.es/


  • Copy hiera/common.yaml.example to hiera/common.yaml

  • You should see five top level keys in this yaml file. We'll go through what each sets up.

  • postgresql_roles

    • Here you should describe all of the roles you want defined with postgresql.
    • By default, there's a role called deployer with password set to foobar.
    • You can add as many other roles as you like here.
    • These roles are what you will use as the username in your database.yml file if you are building a Rails project.
    • For more details on the arguments you can pass to the roles check out the module's documentation for postgresql::server::role.
    • If you prefer a different password you can change the value of the password_hash.
    • To calculate the new hash use the following:
$> echo -n "md5"; echo "<<PASSWORD>><<USERNAME>>" | md5
  • postgresql_databases

    • Here you list all of the databases that you want to be created
    • By default, a database called revtilt_production is created and it is owned by the deployer role
    • The owner should be defined above in the postgresql_roles section
    • You can add as many databases as you like here by adding new keys
    • If you uncomment my_database you would have another database called my_database
  • rubies

    • Here you list all of the rubies that you want to be installed using rbenv
    • Be sure to specify the patch number
    • By default ruby 2.0.0-p247 will be installed
    • To also install ruby 1.9.3-p448 just uncomment it in your hiera/common.yaml file
  • users

    • Here you list all of the additional users that you would like created on your system.
    • By default, Vagrant will add another user named vagrant with password vagrant.
    • In the common.yaml there is also a user called deployer.
    • To find more options that can be passed, read this
  • ssh_keys

    • Here you list all of the ssh public keys that you want installed on your system
    • Each key here needs to be unique, but deployer_key has no other significance.
    • The user should have been specified in the users section
    • You can find your public key by copying and pasting you the output of $> cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub or you can use the public ssh key you have on github by going to the following url: https://github.com/<<GITHUB_USERNAME>>.keys.
    • Be sure to chop off the leading ssh-rsa before adding your key(s) to hiera/common.yaml
    • To find more options that can be passed, read this

Making Changes

If you want to make modifications to the modules, be sure to do so in the private_modules directory. The modules directory that is used during puppet apply is overwritten each time you run librarian-puppet update. Speaking of which, to use a change you make in the private_modules directory you need to run librarian-puppet update before you run vagrant provision.


Bugs / Issues

If you find a bug or something that could improve the user experience, please file an issue on this github project.

Even if you plan on filing a patch for the issue yourself it'd be great if you could still file an issue so that we don't have people duplicating work unnecessarily.

Submitting Pull Requests

  1. Fork this project
  2. Make a feature branch git checkout -b feature
  3. Make your changes and commit them to your feature branch
  4. Submit a pull request