
Simple battery shaped UIView

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Simple battery shaped UIView.

Swift Version Build Status License CocoaPods Compatible
Platform PRs Welcome


let batteryView = BatteryView(frame: smallRect)
batteryView.level = 42 // anywhere in 0...100
batteryView.lowThreshold = 25 // battery fill becomes red if level is below this threshold
batteryView.gradientThreshold = 50 // battery fill gradually changes from green to red below this threshold

SwiftUI Usage

BatteryShape(level: $level)

Changing Appearance

The properties below can be set in Interface Builder, in code, or through a UIAppearance proxy (e.g., BatteryView.appearance().borderColor = .gray). When using SwiftUI you can set them in the BatteryShape initializer .


batteryView.borderColor    = .darkGray
batteryView.highLevelColor = .green
batteryView.lowLevelColor  = .red
batteryView.noLevelColor   = .gray
batteryView.noLevelText = "?" // shown over battery when the level is undefined or out of bounds

Battery Shape:

batteryView.direction = .minXEdge     // terminal facing left

batteryView.terminalLengthRatio = 0.1 // relative to battery length
batteryView.terminalWidthRatio = 0.4  // relative to battery width

batteryView.borderWidth = 2.5         // default is batteryLength / 20
batteryView.cornerRadius = 5          // default is batteryLength / 10



pod 'BatteryView'

Swift Package Manager:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/yonat/BatteryView", from: "1.4.2")


