
High Performance Online BrainFuck Debugger

BrainDuck UI is an online interface for a brainfuck interpreter that let's you use advanced debugging features not available in other tools.

The site is hosted on this link

Table of Contents


  • Code editing
  • Debugging
    • Step by step execution
    • Stepping over to skip up to the end of the next or the current loop
    • Stepping backward
  • Runtime state
    • Memory view
    • Highlight current instruction

Getting Started

Go to the link and enter your code. Press the run button and start debugging!

Building Locally

For building and running this project locally you need to have git, cargo, elm, wasm-pack and any web server installed (you can use the web-server built into python)

  1. Clone the repo - in a terminal, write git clone https://github.com/yonatan-reicher/brainduck-ui.git
  2. Build the wasm code - run wasm-pack build --target no-modules
  3. Build the rest of the page - run elm make src/Main.elm --output build/elm.js
  4. Run a web server in the build directory - run python -m http.server or any other web server

Important: If you want to use upload this to push to this repo, or publish it to your own github pages, you need to tell git explictly to track the /pkg directory (This is because the /pkg directory is ignored by default by wasm-pack). To do this, after step 2, run git add pkg -f.


  • Input instruction
  • Publish the brianduck library and add it as a Cargo.toml dependency
  • Allow exploring the memory
  • Add a continue button
  • Add breakpoints
  • Step over groups of +, -, <, >