
Narasiqu is an Android mobile application to display a list of stories from friends who are currently learning and graduating from Dicoding.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Narasiqu Mobile App (Android)

Kotlin Gradle Android Studio Android

About The Project


Narasiqu is an Android application designed to help you share your stories with the world. This project was developed as a submission for the Intermediate Android class on Dicoding Academy, incorporating several key functionalities. It implements a Single Source of Truth using Room, ensuring data consistency and reliability, along with offline functionality. The app also includes user authentication using email and password and data consumption from APIs.


  • Upload Your Story
  • Login & Register
  • Explore Other Stories
  • Find Locations

Technologies Used

  • Kotlin: The primary programming language
  • Google Maps API: Display and Interact with location data
  • Paging3: Implemented for pagination when showing lists of data, to efficiently load and display large datasets
  • Room: Utilized as a local database to store data,
  • Retrofit: Used for making network requests and handling API interactions