A mock SingPass/CorpPass server for dev purposes
Quick Start
Configure your application to point to the following endpoints: SingPass:
- http://localhost:5156/singpass/logininitial - login redirect with optional page
- http://localhost:5156/singpass/soap - receives SAML artifact and returns assertion
- http://localhost:5156/myinfo/person-basic (exclusive to government systems)
- http://localhost:5156/myinfo/authorise
- http://localhost:5156/myinfo/token
- http://localhost:5156/myinfo/person
Provide your application with the spcp*
certs found in static/certs
and with application certs at static/certs/{key.pem|server.crt}
Alternatively, provide the paths to your app cert as env vars
$ npm install @opengovsg/mockpass
# Some familiarity with SAML Artifact Binding is assumed
# Optional: Configure where MockPass should send SAML artifact to, default endpoint will be `PartnerId` in request query parameter.
$ export SINGPASS_ASSERT_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:5000/singpass/assert
$ export CORPPASS_ASSERT_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:5000/corppass/assert
# All values shown here are defaults
$ export MOCKPASS_PORT=5156
$ export MOCKPASS_NRIC=S8979373D
$ export MOCKPASS_UEN=123456789A
$ export SHOW_LOGIN_PAGE=true # Optional
# Disable signing/encryption (Optional, by default `true`)
$ export SIGN_ASSERTION=false
$ export ENCRYPT_ASSERTION=false
$ export SIGN_RESPONSE=false
$ npx mockpass
MockPass listening on 5156
There currently is nothing widely available to test an application's integration with SingPass/CorpPass using a dev machine alone. This is awkward for developers who then need to connect to the staging servers hosted by SingPass/CorpPass, which may not always be available (eg, down for maintenance, or no Internet).
MockPass tries to solves this by providing an extremely lightweight implementation of a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider that returns mock SingPass and CorpPass assertions. It optionally provides a mock login page that (badly) mimics the SingPass/CorpPass login experience.
We welcome contributions to code open-sourced by the Government Technology Agency of Singapore. All contributors will be asked to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) in order to ensure that everybody is free to use their contributions.