
Data repository for the title "The impact of the clean air act on particulate matter in the 1970s," JEEM (2023)

About Repository

This repository contains key the essential datasets used for the analysis presented in the paper authored by Maureen Cropper, Nicholas Muller, Yongjoon Park, and Victoria Perez-Zetune, published in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2023), titled "The impact of the clean air act on particulate matter in the 1970s."

Description of the data

There are two folders in this repository --- data and us_aqcr_shape


In this folder, there are three csv files.

1. tsp_nonatt_status_county_level.csv

The dataset includes county-level non-attainment status data for Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) for the years between 1969 and 1978. The descriptions of the variables are provided below:

  • year: year
  • AQCR: unique Air Quality Control Regions id
  • fips: county FIPS code
  • State: state name
  • tsp_neds: 1 if county is out of attainment, 0 if it is in attainment under the offical AQCR designation
  • tsp_imputed: 1 if county is out of attainment, 0 if it is in attainment under the imputed defitnion
  • tsp_arithmetic_mean: annual average TSP levels

2. tsp_nonatt_status_aqcr_level.csv

The dataset includes aqcr-level (Air Quality Control Regions) non-attainment status data for Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) for the year 1972 and 1976. The descriptions of the variables are provided below:

  • AQCR: unique Air Quality Control Regions id
  • year: year
  • att0_nonatt1: 1 if county is out of attainment, 0 if it is in attainment under the offical AQCR designation

3. county_characteristics.csv

The dataset comprises data on annual economic conditions at the county level spanning the years from 1969 to 1980. The descriptions of the variables are provided below:

  • year: year
  • fips: county FIPS code
  • population: population (unit: 1,000)
  • per_income: per capita income
  • employment_total: number of employments (unit: 1,000)


This folder contains the shape files necessary for mapping the AQCR (Air Quality Control Region) regions.