
Example code for running R on Hadoop

Primary LanguageR

Examples of integrating Hadoop and R. This directory contains the following:


Examples which use the flight arrival and departure data available here: 

Note that this is the same data set used for many of the examples in the RHIPE documentation. 

The following examples are in this directory:

airline/src/deptdelay_by_month/R/streaming/ - Example that uses the Hadoop streaming MapReduce interface to calculate average departure delay by month for each airline.

airline/src/deptdelay_by_month/R/hive - Example using Hadoop Interactive for running MapReduce code to calculate average departure delay by month for each airline.

airline/src/deptdelay_by_month/R/rhipe - Example using RHIPE to run MapReduce code that calculates average departure delay by month for each airline and then visualize the results.

airline/src/deptdelay_by_month/R/rmr - Example using Revolution Analytics rmr package to calculate average departure delay by month for each airline.

Instructions for running the code can be found with each example.