
Generate redis request payload with random data of all redis commands

Primary LanguageGo



Generate redis request payload with random data of all redis commands. You can use this tool to test stability of redis protocol based storage engine or just generate random data for redis test.

All payload is configured by a yaml config file, (check here)[./redis_command.yml]


go get github.com/yongman/build-redis-data


Usage of ./build-redis-data:
  -config string
    	redis command config file, in yaml format (default "./redis_command.yml")
  -float int
    	max float value in redis commands (default 10000000)
  -int int
    	max int value in redis commands (default 10000000)
  -key int
    	max key range number (default 100000000)
        show latency of each command
  -multi int
    	max multiple times in redis commands, such as mget/mset (default 20)
  -port int
    	redis protocol backend server, default is 6379 (default 6379)
  -server string
    	redis protocol backend server, default is (default "")
    	run in silent mode
  -str int
    	max item or field length (default 52)
  -val int
    	max value length (default 128)
  -worker int
    	number of worker threads, default is 1 (default 1)


  • tjuqxy Initial and most work.
  • yongman Add arguments configurable,redis integration,parellel support.