
Aloha project @ RED Academy

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Aloha project

This is the first project for the web dev program at RED Academy, showcasing responsive web development using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Preview - Desktop




  • CSS - Eric Meyer reset : Reset stylesheet to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on.

  • CSS - Font Awesome : Convey all sorts of meaningful information width a popular icon collection to reach the largest amount of people possible.

  • CSS & JS - Flickity : Use for the RWD to make carousels, galleries, & sliders that feel lively.






fx :: Smooth scrolling

Enable smooth scrolling with smooth.js file.

Or for Chrome, Firefox and Opera, use CSS(style.css) for smooth scrolling.

html { scroll-behavior: smooth; }

- Getting Started

  1. Include smooth.js under your custom Javascript file.

    [ HTML ]

            <!-- Your Javascript file -->
            <script src="script.js"></script> 
            <!-- smooth.js -->
            <script src="smooth.js"></script>
  2. Initialize - having the following initialization in your Javascript(script.js) file :

    [ script.js ]

    const browser = ['Safari', 'IE', 'unknown'];
    const setTime = 250; // milliseconds

    < Options >  

    • Set more browsers

      • Opera = 'Opera' (Disable CSS first)
      • Chrome = 'Chrome' (Disable CSS first)
      • Safari = 'Safari'
      • Firefox = 'Firefox' (Disable CSS first)
      • Internet Explorer = 'IE'
      • Others = 'unknown'
    • Change scroll time

      1 second : const setTime = 1000;

      5 seconds : const setTime = 1000 * 5;



fx :: Loop the Featured Products (Most-Loved Products)

Create HTML elements for products with product_data.js and product_loop.js files.

- Getting Started

  1. First include product_data.js then product_loop.js as below.

        <script src="js/product_data.js"></script>
        <script src="js/product_loop.js"></script>
  2. In your product_data.js file, you can add, edit or remove the product.

    let products = [
        p_img: 'images/blue-hipster-backpack.jpg',
        category: 'bags',
        p_name: 'Blue Hipster Backpack',
        price: 69
        p_img: 'images/blue-silk-dress.jpg',
        category: 'dresses',
        p_name: 'Blue Silk Dress',
        price: 80
        p_img: 'images/stretch-knit-dress.jpg',
        category: 'dresses',
        p_name: 'Stretch Knit Dress',
        price: 169
    • p_img : (default null) Defines the path of the product image.

    • category : (default null) Defines the category of the product.

    • p_name : (default null) Defines the name of the product.

    • price : (default 0) Defines the price of the product. It can be written in decimals.

      • 324 -> $324.00
      • 0.99 -> $0.99
      • 0.5 -> $0.50
  3. Include Flickity.js.  

    • Include the Flickity flickity.css and flickity.pkgd.min.js with your CSS(style.css) and Javascript(script.js) files as below.  

      [ HTML ]

          <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/flickity@2/dist/flickity.min.css">
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
          <script src="product_data.js"></script>
          <script src="product_loop.js"></script>
          <script src="https://unpkg.com/flickity@2/dist/flickity.pkgd.min.js"></script>
          <script src="script.js"></script>
  4. Create the HTML carousel element and classes with [ main-carousel products ].  

    [ HTML ]

    <div class="main-carousel products">
        <!-- Leave here for product_loop.js  -->
  5. Initiate Flickity and adjust carousel height in your Javascript(script.js) file.  

    [ script.js ]

    // initiate Flickity
    var elem = document.querySelector('.main-carousel');
    var flkty = new Flickity( elem, {
        // options
        cellAlign: 'left',
        wrapAround: true,
        autoPlay: 1000 * 5 // 5 seconds
    // adjust Height
    window.addEventListener('load', function(){
        var carousel_cell = document.querySelector('.carousel-cell').offsetHeight;
        elem.children[0].style.height = carousel_cell + 'px';



fx :: Email validation

  1. Include following lines to your Javascript(script.js) file.  

    [ script.js ]

    function validate_email(e, ele){
        let reg = /\b[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+\.\w{2,4}\b/g,
            email = ele.previousElementSibling.value;
        if ( reg.test(email) ){
            // valid Email
            alert('Thanks for subscribing!');
        } else {
            // invalid Email
            alert('Please enter the valid Email address.\nThank you~!');
  2. Create HTML elements and include the Javascript(script.js) file as below.  

    [ HTML ]

    <form class="subscription">
        <input type="email" placeholder="Your Email">
        <button onclick="validate_email(this)" type="submit">
    <script src="script.js"></script>



fx :: Fixed header

  1. Set styles for the header element when it is at the top.  

    CSS position: fixed will change the header fixed in same position.  

    [ HTML ]

        <!-- your header content-->

    [ CSS ]

    header {
        position: fixed;
        top: 0; left: 0;
        width: 100%;
        background-color: white;
        z-index: 100;
  2. Add class and styles for the header is scrolled.  

    [ CSS ]

    header.scrolled {
        background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);
  3. Include following snippets in the Javascript(script.js) file to trigger scroll class when the window is scrolled and when it isn't at the top.  

    [ script.js ]

    if ( window.window.scrollY >= 1 ) {
    } else {
    window.addEventListener('scroll', function(){
        if ( window.window.scrollY >= 1 ) {
        } else {



fx :: Update cart icon

  1. In the HTML file, update the codes to show the number in the cart.  

    [ HTML ]

    <div class="menu-element cart">
        <img onclick="reset_cart()" class="hide-scrolled" src="images/cart-icon.svg" alt="cart-icon">
        <div class="cart_num">
            <p></p> <!-- The number will be displayed inside the p element. >
  2. Update CSS file as below. Class shrink will trigger when user clicks Add to Cart button.  

    [ css ]

    header > .menu > .cart { position: relative; }
        /* Default style for the number of items in the cart */
        header > .menu > .cart > .cart_num {
                visibility: hidden;
                position: absolute;   
                top: -4px; right: -4px;
                width: 20px;
                height: 20px;
                border-radius: 50%;
                background-color: red;
                transform: scale(1);
                transition: transform 200ms ease;
        /* Click to Expand and shrink the number */
        header > .menu > .cart > .cart_num.shrink {
            transform: scale(1.5);
            /* Default style for the letter in the cart */
            header > .menu > .cart > .cart_num > p {
                font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
                font-size: 0.625rem;
                font-weight: 600;
                color: white;
                text-align: center;
                position: relative;
                top: 50%;
                transform: translateY(-50%);
                overflow: visible;
  3. Add the click event to the button in HTML file and initiate the event with the following.  

    [ HTML ]

    <button onclick="on_addCart(this)">Add to Cart</button>

    This is included in fx :: Loop the Featured Products (Most-Loved Products)


    [ script.js ]

    let num_cart = 0, items_in_cart = [],
    cart = document.getElementsByClassName('cart_num')[0];
    // fx :: ADD A ITEM to CART
    function on_addCart(ele){
        // Add the item to the array
        product_id = Number( ele.classList.value.replace('product_id_','') );
        // Increase NUMBER in Navigation
        cart.style.visibility = 'visible';
        cart.children[0].innerHTML = num_cart;
        // micro-interaction for the increasing number 
        let transition_time = 150;
        document.getElementsByClassName('cart_num')[0].style.transitionDuration = transition_time+'ms';
        }, transition_time);
    // fx :: RESET
    function reset_cart(){
        // Reset the array
        items_in_cart = [];
        // Reset NUMBER in Navigation
        num_cart = 0;
        cart.style.visibility = 'hidden';
        cart.children[0].innerHTML = num_cart;




  • Structural code is open-sourced under the MIT license.  

  • Learning materials content is copyright (c) 2019 RED Academy.
