
A basic application using Reactjs.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TodoList in Reactjs

A simple todo list application using reactjs as the view, and a simple Sinatra server.



  • ReactJS
  • Browserify
  • Watchify
  • Underscore.js


  • Ruby 2.2.1
  • Sinatra

Getting started

These are the general setup steps. Instructions are very brief.

  1. Server side: Setup your local environment with Ruby 2.2.1. Get bundler with gem install bundler and do bundle install.
  2. Client side: Run npm install to get node modules.
  3. You will need a file tasks.json in the root directory. An example (tasks.json.sample) is provided.
  4. Start the server by ruby src/todolist-server.rb at the project directory. Server will run on http://localhost:4567.
  5. Get watchify command by npm install -g watchify and run it by watchify public/scripts/main.js -o public/scripts/bundle.js.