Surface code simulation for Virtualized Logical Qubits

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

Fault-tolerant non-clifford gates using error detection

Credit: Source code repository is largely built based on the software from Virtualized Logical Qubits: A 2.5D Architecture for Error-Corrected Quantum Computing published in the proceedings of MICRO '20, the 53rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, October 2020. Forked from cduck/VLQ


  1. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/yongshanding/vlq
    cd vlq
  2. Install Julia (tested with 1.4.2): julialang.org/downloads

  3. Set path environment. In ~/.bashrc:

    export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/<Julia directory>/bin"
  4. Install required Julia packages (run from the vlq/ directory) from the julia REPL:

    ENV["PYTHON"]=""; Pkg.build("PyCall")
    ] activate .; instantiate
  5. (Optional) Install packages globally from julia REPL:

    add LightGraphs BlossomV ChpSim OrderedCollections PyPlot


Run the following Julia code in a REPL (start one with julia --project=.)

# Setup
include("src/make_plots.jl"); using .MakePlots
MakePlots.setup(num_workers=16)  # Setup 16 worker processes

# Run the simulations
job_id = "rz_plots0.001"
samples = 2000*100 # How many samples, ~1.15 CPU-hours per 100000 samples
dists = [3:2:9...] # code distances
plots = [1:3...] # types of plots
MakePlots.dist_calc_all(job_id, dists, samples, plots) # Start computing with workers in background
MakePlots.fetch_finished(job_id, 2) # Obtain results as they are computed