Airbox Task Manager - App

Airbox Task Manager frontend project.

Note: This project consumes Airbox Task Manager API so you must first download and start it locally. API repository is avaialbe at

AWS location

This project is hosted on AWS at:


  1. Clone project
git clone
  1. cd into folder
cd airbox-task-manager-app
  1. Download dependencies
npm install
  1. cd into folder
cd airbox-task-manager-app/client
  1. Download dependencies
npm install
  1. Build client for server to use

Note: Before building the client, in .env file make sure it has correct entry to point to mock API.

E.g. REACT_APP_API_URL='http://localhost:8001'

npm run build


Note: Make sure your pwd is airbox-task-manager-app


Start the server with npm start then navigate to http://localhost:8000 to access the application.