
Salient object detection GAN Pytorch Python3

Primary LanguagePython


A general python framework for training and testing SODGAN, based on PyTorch.

This release also includes many new features, including:

  • Multi-GPU training(You need to retrain the model for first training step)
  • PyTorch v1.3 support


SODGAN network

LTR is a general framework for training SODGAN network.


The toolkit contains the implementation of the following methods.

Publication and citation

SODGAN is proposed in our paper accepted by JVCIR 2020. Detailed explanation of our method can be found in the paper:

  author={Yong Wu and Zhi Liu and Xiaofei Zhou}, 
  title = {Saliency detection using adversarial learning networks},
  journal = J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent,
  volume = {67},
  year = {2020},

The paper can be downloaded here.


Official implementation of the SODGAN network. SODGAN is two-stage training architecture, which can accelerate training speed. And it takes only 35 minutes to train on a Titan Xp GPU. Our model can detect salient objects better.

Several examples

The models trained using PyTorch. Your can download trained well models model zoo.


Clone the GIT repository.

git clone https://github.com/yongwuSHU/Advsal.git

Install dependencies

  • PyTorch >=0.4.1 (we have tested PyTorch v1.3 with Python 3.7)
  • Python 3
  • Ubuntu 16.04 (we don't recommend OS 18.04)
  • You need to install pydensecrf
  • You can download the resnet101 model

Let's start !


Activate the right environment and run it.

python training.py sodgan    


Activate the right environment and run it

python testing.py sodgan --dataset pascal(ecssd,hkuis,dutste,dutomron,....)


Any question, please email: yong_wu1@163.com, yong_wu@shu.edu.cn