A hash work for SBIR

Primary LanguagePython

This is the source code for the ECCV work "Generative domain-migration hashing for sketch-to-image retrieval"

Due to the new term beginning, I'm really busy these days. The readMe file and model file will come soon.

Generative Domain Migration Hashing for Sketch-to-Image Retrieval

alt tag

to be presented on ECCV 2018 poster section. This work focuses on fast sketch-based image retrieval (SBIR) using binary codes.

Sketchy Dataset (Extended)

  • The extra image data mentioned in the paper can be found here (NEW). The previous uploaded image data are wrong (apologize for this).
  • The images of TU for our experiments can be found here.


@inproceedings{'zhang2018eccv', author = {Jingyi Zhang and Fumin Shen and Li Liu and Fan Zhu and Mengyang Yu and Ling Shao and Heng Tao Shen and Luc Van Gool}, booktitle = {Proceeding of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)}, title = {Generative Domain-Migration Hashing for Sketch-to-Image Retrieval}, year = {2018} }


If you have any question, feel free to contact me: EMAIL: jgg_jingyizhang@foxmail.com