
PyTorch BiLSTMCRF w Elmo

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyTorch Implementation of the BiLSTM-CRF model as described in https://guillaumegenthial.github.io/.

This model builds upon that by adding including ELMO embeddings as a feature representation option. (For more detail about ELMo, please see the publication "Deep contextualized word representations")

For the Keras implementation (without ELMO) please refer to this link.


  1. Requirements:
    a. Packages: Anaconda, Pytorch, AllenNLP (if on linux and using elmo)
    b. Data: Train, valid and test datasets in CoNLL 2003 NER format.
    c. Glove 300B embeddings (If not using Elmo)

  2. Configure Settings:
    a. Change settings in model/config.py
    b. Main settings to change: File directories, model hyperparameters etc.

  3. Build Data:
    a. Run build_data.py
    i. Builds embedding dictionary, text file of words, chars tags, as well as idx to word and idx to char mapping for the model to read

  4. Train Model:
    a. Run train.py

  5. Test Model:
    a. Run test.py
    b. Evaluates on test set. Also accepts other arguments to predict on custom string